Chapter 5

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*Spencer's POV*

Toby and I walked hand in hand into the restaurant.

"Cavanaugh please," he said sweetly to the waitress. She nodded her head and led us to our table.

The restaurant was pretty big and was really busy. We sat near the back with a couple of empty tables around us that will soon be filled.

"This place is amazing!" I been. Toby smiles at me and grabs my hand. I give it a gentle squeeze.

"So, what you having?" He asks, grabbing a menu and scanning through it.

"Em, I'm not sure," I laugh.

"Well I think I will get a steak," he smirks.

"Your usual then," I smile back. We both smile at each other, our hands still together.

"Spencer?" I hear a voice from my side. I would know that voice from anywhere. I don't even want to turn around.

I turn my head slowly. "Alex?" It's true. Oh no.

"How are you?" He says, walking over to us. I let go of Toby's hand and stand up. He gives me a hug before looking over to Toby.

"Oh, Alex this is Toby, my boyfriend." Alex's smile fades and he looks between me and Toby before giving a nod.

"Oh, boyfriend?" He asks me.


"Well, I guess I should have never let you," he mumbles, more to himself.

"So, what are you doing here?" I change the subject.

"Well it my moms birthday so I'm just waiting for my family to show up," he explains.

"Well tell her happy birthday from me," I smile.

"She misses you," he laughs. "She still talks about you," he smiles softly at me.

"Well, have a nice night," I say awkwardly. He smiles at me once more before walking to his table, which is only a couple of tables away from us. Great.

I take my seat again and Toby gives me a confused look.

"He was my high school boyfriend," I explain.

"Oh," I take his hand from the other side of the table.

"He is my ex, I love you," I remind him. His shoulders seem to relax a bit.

"I'll never get used to you saying that," he smiles. "I love you," the corners of my mouth turn into a big, goofy smile. I'll never get used to him saying that either.

"So, what you having?" Toby asks. I take a menu and start to look through all the mouth watering meals when I hear my name being called again.

"Spencer?" A woman's voice calls.

"Oh my god, help me," I whisper to Toby. He laughs a little but I can tell he's annoyed.

"Hey," I say as I stand up and greet Alex's mother. He engulfs me in a massive hug.

"What are you doing here?" She squeaks. I turn to Toby.

"I'm here with my boyfriend, Toby," I explain. Her face falls.

"Boyfriend?" She asks in disbelief.

"Me and Alex broke up three years ago," I remind her.

"I know, I just thought you were meant to be together," she sighs.

"I'm sorry but I'm with Toby," I apologise. She nods her head.

"Well, I better get going." She says as she starts to walk off.

"Happy birthday!" I shout over. She gives me a small smile before sitting down at the table.

"Well, she looked pretty disappointed when you called my your boyfriend." He huffs.

"They took it hard when I broke up with Alex," I laugh.

"You broke up with him?" He asks.

"Yeah," I answer.

"So he could take you back?" He asks worryingly.

"No, because I love you, not him," I take Toby's hand. "I'm yours,"

"And I'm yours," he smiles.

"Let's eat!" I cheer.

A while later our food comes. I finally ordered a pasta dish and Toby got his steak.

"Mmm," he moans. I laugh at his childish response to good food. "What are you laughing at?" He asks.

"You," I answer.


"'Cause your cute," I reply.

"I'm manly," he responses in a deep voice which makes me nearly spits my food out with laughter.

"You just spat on me," Toby laughs.

"No wonder," I chuckle.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be two minutes," he smiles. He gets up and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before going to the toilet.

"Hey," Alex's voice says as he sits in Toby's seat.

"Alex, what are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm talking to you," he smirks.

"Alex I have a boyfriend," I reply bluntly.

"Spence, look, we were great together."

"I have a boyfriend," I repeat.

"But you could make me your boyfriend," he smirks, again.

"Alex. I have a boyfriend that I love," I tell him. His smile fades.

"Well I guess I'll just have to put up a fight," he says as he gets up from the seat and walks back over to his family.


Hello! So what do you think will happen?

I really hope your enjoying this book.

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