Chapter Ten

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"What?!" Christine shrieked, her eyes showing disbelief. I nodded solemnly.

I had just told Christine about Levi. I told her how Levi was such an asshole, about Miley, how Mason comforted me, and about my amazing plan. After telling her everything, she looked like she was going to murder.

"When I get my hands on that asshole, I swear I'll fork his eyes out and feed his eyeballs to him." She threatened in a venomous tone. I gave her an amused look.

Her angry expression turned into a huge smirk as she averted her gaze at me to look at something, or someone rather, behind me. I turned around to see Mason, who was wearing all black (as always), standing in front of his locker, grabbing a book.

"I'm sorry for not being there to comfort you yesterday, but I'm sure you didn't mind since prince charming over there was there to wipe away your tears." She teased, wiping fake tears on her face. I rolled my eyes at her, blushing.

"I'm not really looking for a relationship right now. As you can see, the last relationship I had was a total fail and I'm not ready to get hurt again." I told her truthfully.

She sighed in understanding and patted my shoulder. Her angry expression was back again.

"I sooo hate him for hurting you this bad. I wanna hurt hi—"

"Hey ba—I mean, Ness." Levi covered up, slinging his arm on my shoulder.

Speaking of the devil...

It took all my willpower not to grab his hand and give him a judo-flip. I would have, but Miley was controlling herself too for the plan, for the revenge. I used every bit of self-control I had and gave him a sweet smile.

"Hi, Levi," I replied, giving Christine a warning look.

She was not so discreetly shooting Levi death glares while clenching her fists. Once she saw my warning look though, she gave Levi a huge fake smile.

"I'm going now. See you later, Ness." She said, giving me a supportive look before skipping towards James, who gave me a friendly salute.

Levi began telling me about what happened at his football practice. I pretended to nod and smile like I usually did when in reality, all I wanted to do was to punch him square in the face and yell profanities at him.

He was in the middle of his story when I heard a locker slam shut loudly. Levi and I turned our heads around and saw Mason giving Levi death glares. Levi gave him a smug look and pulled me closer to him.

Mason was about to stride towards us when I gave him a pleading look. His face softened as he sighed, staying in place. I could tell that if I didn't stop him, he would've punched the crap out of Levi. I didn't want that though. Sure, I myself would love to kick his family jewels to the point where he couldn't bear any child anymore, but violence was never the answer.

Levi leaned in to kiss me.

I couldn't take it anymore. I shrugged his arm off my shoulder and gave him a tight smile.

"Gotta go now, bye!" I said before walking away from him.

The bell rang and I caught up with Mason since I have first period with him.

"Good morning," I greeted brightly, but not as bright as usual.

There was nothing really 'good' this morning though. Andrew threw me few punches in the stomach earlier to make up for not hurting me yesterday. Then, I had to deal with Levi, so this morning was really not good.

"Stop following me," he groaned. I gave him a teasing smile.

"Nah, you'll be stuck with me for a while." I grinned, nudging him with my elbow lightly. He rolled his eyes at me, but amusement was evident on his face.

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