Interview with RahniaForever

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Q: What made you start writing?

A: Well it was just that I had this idea once and I decided to write it out because I really liked it and I was excited. 

Q: Tell us what the first story you ever wrote was about.

A: It's a teen fic about a girl who falls in love (I know it's cliche). And she's innocent and doesn't know what she's getting into. It's about the hardships of life and stuff like that.

Q: What is your inspiration for writing?

A: Music, I suppose. 

Q: what story of yours do you like the most?

A: His Dark Side. Its a different genre than what I usually write. I think I did a pretty good job with the characters and that is the main reason I love it. Its my baby :)

Q: Who is your favourite fictional character?

A: Jeremy Alistair from Anything But Perfection(my own story). He's just really yummy and he has this prince charming and bad boy aura all at once.

Q: Favourite book series?

A: Harry Potter series (best series ever)!

Q: Do you have any 'habits' or 'traditions' when you're writing?

A: No not really. I just write when it comes to me. 

Q: What genre do you dislike the most, and why?

A: Fan fic probably. I just don't get the point of those stories. I don't mean to be rude and offensive. It's just my opinion.

Q: If you could swap lives for a day with any person in the world, living or dead, famous or not famous, who would it be?

A: Umm..idk really...someone cool like..ugghh there are so many people in my mind right now..I don't know!

Q: What is your opinion on oreos?

A: Best biscuits ever invented!

Q: If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?

A: I would be a cat..I'm really cunning (are cats clever?) I'm not really into animals. Im afraid of them!

Q: Anything else you want to say?

A: Thank you for doing this. I thank everyone who reads my work and enjoys it. Be happy and eat bananas! They are good for you health :D

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