Interview with meddler

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Q: What made you start writing?

A: Oh, I'm not sure. Probably encouragement from my teachers and such. I've just always liked stories in general, whether I was reading them or writing them. It's always been a sort of escape for me.

Q: Tell us what the first story you ever wrote was about.

A: The very first story I can remember writing was on here. I had to be like, 10 or 11 at the time. I forget the name, but it was a horror story about a group of teenagers stranded in this house where a serial killer murdered each of them, one by one. I never finished it and when I came back to it a year or two later, I deleted it. Immediately.

Q: What is your inspiration for writing?

A: My inspiration almost always comes from music. I love music and always find myself reading into the lyrics of songs, so it's no wonder I'm always getting ideas from them aha. My newest story is based off the song Skin and Bones by Marianas Trench.

Q: what story of yours do you like the most?

A: I have to say my new story, Skin and Bones, because of how much work and thought I'm currently putting into it.

Q: Who is your favourite fictional character?

A: I adore Tate Langdon from American Horror Story.

Q: Favourite book series?

A: The Hunger Games!

Q: Do you have any 'habits' or 'traditions' when you're writing?

A: I have to be listening to music. I also need to plan out the chapter beforehand, or else I won't have the motivation to write it.

Q: What genre do you dislike the most, and why?

A: I respect all genres, but on wattpad, the one I usually find myself disliking the most are fanfictions. Don't get me wrong - a lot of fanfics are well written and are quality stories, but even more are the exact opposite. This site is flooded with poorly written 1D Fan-fics in particular, to the point that no matter what you search in the search bar, you stumble upon one. I don't mind fanfictions, but only the quality ones would I like to see here on wattpad. There are plenty of sites out there specializing in fanfiction stories where a writer can dump their poorly written, smutty, rated-R fics.

Q: If you could swap lives for a day with any person in the world, living or dead, famous or not famous, who would it be?

A: I'd want to swap lives with a murderer. No one in particular, and not because I want to kill people or anything like that. I've just always been curious about a serial killer's way of thinking.

Q: What is your opinion on oreos?

A: Either I love them or I hate them. Right now, I hate them. But ask me again in a week.

Q: If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?

A: A ferret! Hahaa. I have five of them. They're so interesting sometimes and they eat better than I do! Plus, they sleep like 14+ hours a day. 

Q: Anything else you want to say?

A: Nothing comes to mind! Just thank you to anyone who reads my stories and thanks for the interview. c:

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