-- Part Three and A/N--

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Well HIII!!!!!!

Yeah, sorry it's me, AnimeOnToast, come to spread evil on you all like jam on toast.

Or not.


Well, AMY. Yes you Snappers123/Parsimonious, has been askeing me ''Is Reviving Hope offically over?''

Of course i said 'WHAT!?!?!" And swore. " Where'd you get that from?!''

So, no, RH is NOT OVER. I have been SOOOOOOOOOO busy. But, in 4 days time it's my birthday - so feel free to wish me Happy Birthday - XD

Anyways, RH is not on hold - or anything like that- but I am building suspense!!!!

I also have a little bit of Writers block; I can't start chapter 22 quite right yet.

But, you'll be thankful for the wait.... I hope. Okay maybe not chapter 22 - but chapter 23 DEFOOOO...!!! So, until then guys- Keep writing, keep reading, keep dreaming ;DD Now here's the little Part Three short thingeyyy::

(Part Three - The End, Intro)

"You are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey..."

The little doll like girl smiled as she drew hearts around  her name. Her mother called her from downstairs and she ran to her. As she bounced down the stairs, her reflection seemed to slow her down as it caught in the mirror. She grinned and her eyes twinkled.

Her cat green eyes...

A/N: So, who's the little girl?? ;D

Reviving Hope. (INCOMPLETE, BUT DONE)Where stories live. Discover now