Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It had been a month since chris joined us at school and since Luis had attacked me in the hall. Chris was still going to our school and Luis hadn't tried anything since. I had been going to Jakes every day after school and on the weekends except one day when I hung out with David and Stacy. Jake had taken me to the movies a couple of times in the next town over. Everything has been going great and I actually felt happy for the first time in awhile.

It was now first period on Friday morning and I couldn't pay attention because chris was sitting next to me joking around.

"Hey Amy wamey do you think I'd look good with black hair?" chris was looking at a magazine showing some guy with black hair that had girls all over him.

"Chris that's an axe cologne add the girls like him because of the smell not his hair." I chuckled.

Chris scowled. "I really don't believe that. No smell is going to make super models fall all over a guy."

I just shook my head and tried to pay attention to the lecture. I looked over and caught Jessica staring at chris longingly. Hmmmmm looks like some one has a crush.

"So if I got some of that stuff would you be falling all over me?" Chris whispered playfully.

"No Chrissy poo you just smell to horrible it wouldn't even work." I winked and tried not to laugh as he faked hurt.

"Class were going to be starting a packet today so I'd like you to pair up." the teacher yelled over the noise. I hate pairing up I always get stuck with the odd kid. You know the one who breaths to hard or the one who you don't even know if they have a voice.

Stacy looked like she was about to ask me to be her partner when chris's hand landed on my shoulder.

"Purple duck will you be my partner?" chris smiled.

"Yeah of course silver hawk." I chuckled. But stopped when I realized Jessica had been aiming for him and was now looking pretty upset. Ehhhh oh well. Chris pulled his desk next to mine and smiled. I looked over at Stacy who was just smiling because she was paired up with some cute guy with black hair.

"So chris did you notice you have a not so secret admire?" I whispered. He screwed his face up. "Who?"

I nodded at Jessica who was checking him out. When he looked over at her she blushed and turned around.

"Ehh she's not my type, to stuck up." he shook his head.

"You never know she could be really nice and sweet." chris arched his neck and gave me the stare until we both busted out laughing.

"Ehhhh hmmm this class is for learning not joking please focus mrs smith." damn it why doesn't she ever get on to chris!

The day went by fast and soon enough I was in my favorite class of the day. David was sitting to my left and chris to my right Stacy was in front of me. Every time I looked over David was smiling at me, finally I had to say something.

"What's up David?" he blushed but stayed smiling.

"Amy I was uh wondering if you would go out with me to the movies today?" whhhaaaattt he wants to go on a date with me, I heard chris try to hold in a chuckle.

"David I am seeing somebody I'm sorry." his face fell and he frowned.

"Excuse me Mr. Dwayne can you please refrain from trying to get a date in my class." jakes voice was stern but he seemed to find this humorous.

David seemed embarrassed. "My bad Mr. M." Jake smirked at me then walked away. David didn't turn to me again the whole class, but chris did.

"I'm not gonna say I told you so.....o wait yes I am! I told you so!" he whispered.

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