Boob Sweat

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Today is the big day; let the manipulation begin.  Along my way to Tim’s house, I rehearsed what I’d say to win his affection.  When I finally reached his house, I was engulfed by a potent odor.  Madly, I smelled myself, worried that the odor was coming from me.  When I lifted an arm, I almost gagged.  I couldn’t believe I forgot to put on deodorant.  Appalled, I noticed pit stains as well.  The heat wasn’t that bad, but the fact that I was so out of shape was embarrassing.  I wiped the lather from my brow, my palms felt cold and clammy.  I was sweating bullets.

Like magic, Tim opened the door before I could even knock.

“Amber! I’m so happy that you could make it,” he greeted me with enthusiasm, but he wasn’t stealthy enough to not look disgusted.  His nose scrunched up causing it to wrinkle.  He looked even cuter if that were possible.  It took all the willpower I had to not lift my arms and hug him.  I wanted Tim to fall in love with me, not die from my idiotism.  When I realized that Tim was waiting for me to speak, I blushed scarlet.

“Hey, Tim.  Um, thanks for having me over,” I recovered with zero tact.

Tim smiled and invited me inside, and directed me to the living room.  I don’t know what I was expecting, but it sure wasn’t this.  There were posters taped all walls, each one was of a car or motorcycle.  The furniture was leathery brown, slightly faded and cracked.  I guess I was expecting dragons, bamboo trees, and Hindu statues everywhere.  Tim’s living room looked more like a frat house.

He sat down on one couch and he inadvertently took the sofa opposite mine.  Did I really smell that bad? Ok, yes, I did smell that bad.  Tim looked at me, taking me in one messed up feature at a time.

“You look-,” he hesitated as if trying to avoid stepping on landmines,” different.”

“Um, thanks.”

Tim blatantly stared at my face, his nose still crinkled, his lips frozen, slightly parted.  I didn’t know what to say to break the spell.  I don’t know how long we sat in awkward silence until his brother came home.

“Hey Tim! Are you home?” He screamed, and loudly sniffed, “Did something die in here?”

“Yup, in the living room,” Tim hollered back, blushing, he stated, “I mean, I’m home and in the living room.”

I could feel my cheeks blazing.  Tim was sweet, and concealed the fact that anything was out of the ordinary.  I mean, I reeked.  The more nervous I became, the more I felt like I smelled.

“What the hell Tim, are you cooking skunk or something?” He joked.  His brother entered the living room and was holding his nose with his fingers.  I presumed it was Tim’s older brother because he appeared exactly like Tim.  When his slanted eyes fell on me, he sprang backwards with a yip.

“Jeezus! Hello, there.  I didn’t know that we had company over,” he excused.  He forcibly dropped his hands to his sides; fists clenched tightly; a thin smile plastered to his face like a false mask.  My arms were crossed over my chest.  My arms felt cool and slick.  I was sweating all over.  Tim and his brother looked like Gods. 

“I’m Tim’s older brother, Michael.  Nice to meet you, and you are-,” he said nicely.

“Amber, “I said dramatically.

Like fancy people, we shook hands.  With the speed of a ninja, he snatched his hand away from mine as if my touch burned him.  Michael glared at me angrily, but quickly recovered from his strange rudeness.  He smiled at me and apologized, explaining that he had somewhere to be and that he didn’t want to be tardy.  I didn’t question his swift departure.  Nodding stupidly, I waved and we all said our byes to Michael.

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