Chapter Twelve

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Gray's POV.

    We threw ourselves at the black dragon, it turned it's head to us and the black scales around it's snout started glowing yellow-orange. I knew what that meant and I didn't have time to stop that. Then the dragon roared in a deep, unsettling voice. "Karyu no Hoko!" It roared and a fire black flew from it's unhinged mouth. An unbelievable searing pain coursed through my body, every vein seemed to light on fire and I could barely hear myself scream in agony. I felt my body crash through houses and bang into the face of the mountain behind the village. When the light left, I saw that we were on the other side of the village, the dragon was in the air by the time my limbs finally felt mobile.  It circled over the town, setting the town ablaze.

I slipped down the side of the mountain, everyone else was already down there. They were cursing and thinking of ways to kill off this dragon. The black dragon threw it's head back and roared, it's voice was strange. Deep and dark but sounded premature, like it was in it's twenties if it were human. It's red eyes caught the glint of the destruction it caused. It swiveled it's head to face our direction. I flinched.

The dragon roared and spread it's massive wings, beating them with such momentum that it made the surrounding houses shiver and quake before collapsing like a house of card. It only beat it's wings once as it barreled towards us. We barely got out of the way before it charged the mountain.

I ran up to it and used my ice-make magic to propel me onto it's shoulder. It roared and swiveled it's head to face Erza and the others, it didn't seem to notice me. "Ice-make lance!" I yelled and ice began forming and molding into a sword in my arms. The dragon twisted it's neck to point at me and the first thing I saw were gaping jaws before I jumped off. The dragon turned to face me and it roared.

Then the sun came up.

The dragon's red eyes shifted to orange then to hazel finally. It didn't stick around for long, it spread it's wings and jumped into the sky, flying to the mountains until it vanished behind the largest one.

"What the hell was that all about?!" I screamed. "You made me face that thing almost alone! Why!?"

"..." Nobody replied for a long moment until Lucy spoke up.

"We saw a FairyTail emblam on it's shoulders..." Lucy managed in a whisper. My eyes widened, I knew what she was talking about but I kept quiet. "Those scars... Those eyes... That behavior.... That emblam... I think that dragon was Natsu! I think he somehow turned into a dragon!"

"B-but didn't Igneel say he couldn't turn into a dragon because of those antibodies he implanted in him?" I demanded. "There's no way he could've... I don't...."

"I knew there was something familiar about it," Sting hissed. "We need to follow it!"

"Him!" Lucy corrected fiercely. "We need to follow him!"

"We will, let's go!" Rogue said. Everyone began running in the direction the dragon- Natsu, flew. I followed but my head was still spinning after absorbing all this information.


Lucy's POV.

We followed Natsu to one of the mountains, it was the highest spire and at the upper middle of the brown mountain was a huge cavern entryway. We went inside, Gray looked dizzy, probably from the information we told him. We had to find out, I was as confused as he was. Igneel told us imself that Natsu couldn't become a dragon, then I remembered one of Natsu's quotes; "so there's almost no way he could become a dragon". That almost part, is that what happened to Natsu?

Sting used his light to flash the way through the tunnel, it seemed to descend downwards and we followed that path until it finally widened into a large cavern. In the middle of it, with his back to us, was Natsu. He grunted mournfully with his large black head resting on his talons. An ear twitched and he looked over at us with sad eyes. He sighed and looked away from us again.

"Natsu?" I said.

He looked over at us again, this time not looking away. He gave a slow, small nod.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

Natsu opened his mouth, his deep, rumbly voice spoke but his jaw opened enough for at least a sentence or two before closing again. "I don't know... I woke up I these mountains and I heard a voice in my head... I don't know but I don't like it... I'm a monster now..."

"N-no your not, Natsu!" I said reassuringly.

"Then what am I?" He boomed. "Do I look like a human to you humans? Wait no... Aagh...." He turned his head away from us with a snort.

"'Humans'?" Gajeel echoed.

"I don't feel like myself anymore, okay?" He growled. "It's like someone else is using me... I can't explain it..."

"We can help you-" I started but was cut off by his enraged roar.

"GO AWAY!" Natsu roared in an extremely hostile voice, his intelligence in his eyes fading. "GO NOW HUMANS BEFORE I DECIDE YOUR BETTER OFF BEING SUPPER!"

"Natsu, please!" I yelled. But the intelligence in Natsu's eyes completely faded, revealing only an animal. He roared and raised to all four of his feet. He roared again, his voice sounded completely animal now.

Natsu was gone, now they were facing the black dragon "Terrore Natturno".

Feeling too lazy to read over this. Enjoy.

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