Chapter One

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*Lucy's POV.*

Me, Natsu, Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Gajeel where walking to the Magnolia Train Station with Carla and Happy gliding over. It was late at night, we where supposed to take the train out of Magnolia to Bunker Hill, a town located on the outskirts of Fiore's kingdom. Apparently they had an illness spreading there and needed Wendy's healing magic to find a cure. This illness is called the "Red Eclypse Virus", this virus is deadly and in a way contagious. I dunno why Gray, Natsu, Happy or Gajeel came with us on this mission between me, Erza and Wendy only. They just kept begging to come because they're loosing funds to buy food. Natsu gave me the saddest puppy-doll eyes that I just couldn't resist. What's wrong with me? Why would I let useless, dangerous mages crawl behind us while we're trying to save lives? Too late to go back now... Dang it, why am I so gullible?

"Do we have to go by train?" Natsu grumbled, Gajeel and Wendy nodded in agreement. They looked sick already.

"Because me, Erza and Wendy have work to do," I snapped and turned my head to look at them. "And Gray please put on your clothes!" Gray looked at me in question then looked down, he had no shirt nor pants on but wore his boxers. He gasped and looked around for his clothes.

Natsu suddenly turned serious, which is shocking since Natsu is always... Well, dense. "Red Eclypse Virus... I've heard of it before..." He said, looking at the floor while he walked with his right hand's index and thumb clasping on his chin in thought. "I think Igneel told me about it before he... Anyways I think it's something to do with dragons or something..."

"Dragons have been extinct, we all know that by now," Gray sighed, his white tee-shirt and jeans finally back on. Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy both turned their heads to glare at him. I've never seen such rage in their eyes, not even in Wendy's.

"Uh-I, I mean, the last dragons went extinct!" Gray corrected himself, a sweat-drop rolled down his head.

Bad move.

Natsu yelled in anguish and anger as his left hand curled into a fist and rocketed towards Gray's face,  his fist making contact with his skull. Everyone gasped and Gray fell on the concrete, his nose bleeding and head swaying as if very dizzy.

"Natsu!?" Happy hollered down, his wings flapping steadily as he hovered to watch, Carla hovered besides him.

"OKAY, ICE PRINCESS, YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR WITH YOUR SHITTY COMMENTS!" Natsu yelled, his face covered by a shadow and eyes blazing in anger. Gray shrunk away as Natsu approached him. Gajeel and Wendy grabbed both of Natsu's arms and held him back.

"Natsu, please stop! Would you want Igneel to see you like this?!" Wendy yelled.

"Yeah, Salamander! Would he? Don't be an idiot!" Gajeel yelled.

Natsu's chest heaved in anger as the shadow uncovered his facial expression. Complete and total rage. He casted one final deadly glare at Gray then shrugged off Gajeel and Wendy. He stomped towards the train station. I bent over and helped Gray up, his hand clutching his bruised face.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen Natsu so pissed off..." Erza sighed.

"Me Neither, but Gray, why did you feel the need to say THAT?" Gajeel growled.

"I didn't mean it to be offensive!" Gray protested.

"Enough, we gotta catch up to him before the train leaves," I yelled, dropping Gray and I ran off after Nastu. He was two blocks away, he leaned against the lamp post in front of the train station, waiting for the train while looking kind of queasy. Even the thought of trains seemed to effect him.

"Hey... What was that about?" I asked him, and sat down on the bench next to him.

"Sorry... But Gray is so... He's such a... I swear I wanna kill him!" Natsu growled.

"Yeah... He should stop speaking his mind..." I agreed and looked away from him.

"Wait!" Natsu gasped. "Gray has a brain!?"

Me and Natsu chuckled and started cracking up at his joke.

"Of course not, neither do you, flame-brain!" I chuckled and punched his shoulder, I hissed in pain and recoiled my hand.

"Ow! Is your shoulder steel or something?!" I asked.

"Nope, heh, but you must be pretty weak." Natsu chuckled.

"Are we interrupting something?" we both turned to our right to see Erza and the others. Gajeel was helping Gray walk. That blow looked like it was enough to give the poor guy a concusion. Happy glided down to Natsu and landed on his head.

"Nope." Natsu said and looked back at the railroad tracks. His face turned a light shade of green but I also saw some red on his cheeks... Blush?

"You got some nerve punching me in my face, ash-for brains!" Gray yelled, his hand finally off his face. Natsu chuckled when he saw the splatter of blood on Gray's left nostril. It had been bleeding a lot but Natsu seemed unnerved about what he did.

"Hey, you insulted our dragons so why not?" Natsu laughed.

Gray smirked in protest. It looked like all was forgiven. But that punch was still unnecessary... I thought.

"Try not to get on each other's nerves next time, boys," Erza said, she grabbed both Natsu and Gray's heads in her hand and was about to slam them together.



"Very well, but only because I don't want vomit on my armor," Erza replied, her calm tone slightly disgusted as she let Natsu and Gray go.

"Thank god..." Gray sighed in relief.

"Here comes the train..." Natsu sighed in annoyance. The other dragon slayers sighed as the shadow of a train began slowing to a halt.

A large black steel train pulled up next to them with a screech of it's wheels. The doors slung open automatically and the voice of the train conductor rang out from the sirens. "Train fifty-seven ready for pick up, all passengers please enter. Next stop; Bunker hill." Natsu sighed and boarded the train, I followed behind him and heard the other's boots clatter against the steel floor behind me. We sat down as the Dragon Slayers slowly made their way to seats next to us. Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy where already nauseous as they collapsed on the seats, groaning but not painfully until the train hissed and the engines began rotating the wheels.

The dragon slayers already stuck their heads out the window and threw up on the dirt as the train pulled away from it's stop and started moving forward.

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