Chapter seven

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Wendy's POV.

We finally made it to Porlyusca's house, it is almost dark again and Natsu's condition has gotten worse. Gajeel kept complaining about how Natsu's skin would roast his when he held him too long. Erza was then holding him during the second half of their trip to Porlyusca's, even she complained about how Natsu's body was burning her armor- literally, her silver glinting armor now had a rusty obsidian black mark on her left shoulder where she slung Natsu over.

I knocked on the front door to Porlyusca's house. Seconds later, a pink haired woman with a scolding face and red eyes swung open the door. Porlyusca snorted in annoyance but her expression quickly changed to horror when she saw Natsu.

"Give me the boy," She snapped, snatching Natsu away from Erza. With a hiss of pain, she dropped the Fire Dragon Slayer and held her hands to her chest. "By god's name why is he so hot?!" She hissed.

Porlyusca regained her composure and picked up Natsu bridal style, grunting in pain, she ran the boy inside.

We went inside and followed Porlyusca to her main healing chambers, potions lined shelves on the walls and a bed with a white blanket was rested besides the window. This place looks relatively nature-like, there where plants all over the place including some vines. Porlyusca may be the edolas version of Grandine, but not even I know what her magic is. I'm guessing nature since there are some healing herbs in it.

Porlyusca set Natsu on the bed and ran to the stone sink, she turned on the water and applied it to her arms, they where red with burns. Everyone went to sit on a few seats that where next to Natsu's bed, I didn't sit though. Natsu looked peaceful but I saw his face scrunch up in pain now and again, and just now did his face flinch. I went over to his side and held out my hands over his uncovered chest, I couldn't detect the problem the last time I tried to heal him, but at least I can try to ease his pain. A magic teal blue circle formed below my hands and began moving clockwise slowly while glowing.

"Move over child," Porlyusca said from behind me, I moved away and watched the pink-haired woman check Natsu's pulse and other medical check up procedures.

"The boy's okay, but can someone at least tell me what happened?" Porlyusca asked, turning to face them.

"We don't know, we just went on a mission and out of the blue he began getting sick," I replied.

"I see, did you check on him, girl?" She asked.

"Yes but I didn't find anything wrong with him," I said, my voice was hitching and my eyes stung with tears. I felt like all of this was my fault, if I just focused more on him I might have found out what was wrong with him.

"Well, as much as I don't want to admit it, I couldn't find an exact problem myself," She said with a heavy sigh.

"WHAT?!" Me and the others yelled in unison.

"Yes, I did find a few symptoms I was familiar with but I don't understand what he's going through exactly," She admitted.

"So.. Now what?" Lucy asked in an almost panicked way. "If not even you know what's going on how will we heal him!?"

"Calm down, blondie!" Gajeel yelled.

"I can't answer that exactly but what I can do is give you remedies for Natsu's symptoms that I know of. If you treat them, it will ease his suffering and he just might get through this on his own," Porlyusca said. She walked over to the shelves and grabbed a few potion bottles. She went over to a potion mixer and began combining the substances together.

While she was busy doing that, I walked over to my comrades. Erza and Gray looked afraid, Gajeel had his arms crossed and his nose up in defiance, but I saw past his mask and could tell he was afraid, then there's Lucy, the poor girl was fiddling with her fingers while shaking as if she could lose her sanity at any second.

I knew what she felt like, Natsu was like a big brother to me, and a role model. I mean not in the "watch me destroy everything with my fire dragon iron fist!", but in the "we will always get through this and we won't stop until we finish the job!" way. He was always there for everyone and attending their needs, like Lucy's family problems or Erza's past. The poor guy just got through loosing Igneel trauma, I saw it in his eyes before he left that day. I watched Grandine leave before me as well as Gajeel, but Natsu didn't only watch Igneel leave, he watched him die.

"Got it," Porlyusca said, I turned around to see her hold out a brown box.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Vaccines along with syringes, it will relieve Natsu of his pain and counter some of the worst symptoms." She explained. "Like I said, it will most likely help his immunsive system combat whatever's happening, so he might get out of it by himself."

Such a mind boggling vocabulary like Erza's, oh my gosh... I held out my hand and grabbed the box.

"Thank you very much for helping us, Porlyusca." I said with a smile.

"Your welcome, child, I advise you humans to get back to your guilds now, your friend needs rest." Porlyusca said.

"Ain't no way in hell am I gonna hold that flaming brick head again!" Gajeel yelled and Erza yelled at the same time, "I will not tolerate any more of my armor to get burned into a crisp by that pyro!"

"I know that, trust me I do," Porlyusca said with an irritated glare to Natsu. "But did I mention that those vaccines decrease his body temperature?"

"Decrease his what?" Gajeel asked with a question mark floating above his head.

"That means he won't be as hot," I explained.

"Oh," Gajeel said.

"Let's get going then," Gray sighed, standing up.

"Yes, now go! Pfft, humans..." Porlyusca snapped.

Erza stood up as well and walked over to Natsu, she lifted him up bridal style and headed back to everyone else. Gajeel was the first to leave with Gray and Lucy behind him, I stayed back while Erza caught up with the others.

"Thanks again for helping us," I said to Porlyusca.

"Sure, but please promise me that you'll try to get better in healing so they don't have to keep coming back to me," Porlyusca joked, I held my hand over my mouth to stifle a giggle.

"Sure," I said. "Bye, have a great day!"

I waved goodbye and walked out the door. Everyone was already walking away from the house, Lucy hung back while everyone kept pace. I ran up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned to look at me, her mouth was trembling and her eyes had tears in them.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You know what's wrong, Natsu is sick and none of us know what's up! Not even Porlyusca!" Lucy complained.

"Well we both know Natsu, nothing takes him down easily right?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She said.

"So, we have the antidote so he'll be fine!" I said.

"But... Your being too optimistic, that's not even the actual thing!" She complained.

"Well, for Natsu, we have to be optimistic," I said with a smile.

Lucy smiled and hugged me, I hugged her back. I knew how worried she was, Natsu was never the type to get this bad with an illness or anything else in general, I know he's okay, but I never thought I'd see him in this state either.

Me and Lucy pulled away from each other and ran back to where everyone else was.

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