Should Have Known Better 5- Bonfire continued... Out of his depth

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...continuation from Bonfire Circle... last part of it! 

Votes and comments always appreciated!!! Any suggestions? Criticisms?


          “Hey, Jules!” a voice shouted from the crowd. Juliet looked up, trying to find the source, and soon enough a guy separated from the throng of the people, headed their way.

            “Mattie! How’s my favourite DJ?”

            He grinned down at her. “Great, since you got me that gig. It’s been insane! Thanks again.”

            “No problem.”

            “You have to tell me sometime how you know that guy. That shit was crazy.”

            “Yeah, you’re going to be waiting a long time to hear that story. Ryan only promised to stop asking about it when I told him I’d get him into the club whenever he wanted.”

            Mattie shook his head, laughing a little. “Felix asked me to give you his number again, but I figured you already had it. He seemed like he really wanted you to call though.”

            Juliet shuddered exaggeratedly in disgust. “No need to open that can of worms again.”

            He chuckled. “Yeah, I can’t see Ryan being happy about a guy like Felix.”

            “You DJing tonight, or just here to enjoy yourself?”

            “I’m here on business. Just came over to tell you that to pay you back, I’m going to play OK Go for you. That is, if you can produce the CD.” He grinned.

            Juliet jumped up in elation. “Yes! Hold on, I just have to go get Ryan’s car keys. Or Noah should still have a copy as well!” She ran off to find Ryan or Noah.

            Mattie chuckled as he turned his head back to the group Juliet had been sitting with. “What’s she doing?” Jake asked.

            “She’s getting her favorite CD from one of the guys’ cars. Ryan can’t stand it, but she hides multiple copies of it in his car, there’s always at least one copy there at a time. And Noah probably has a copy, if Ryan hasn’t chucked it out the window.”

            “He’d throw her CDs out the window?” Adam asked, slightly horrified.

            Mattie laughed. “It’s an ongoing battle between them. She used to carry a copy around with her, but Ryan began searching her before he let her into his car, so she stole his keys and hid copies inside the car. Fucking brilliant hiding places too. Hid them at his house as well. Ryan throws a fit every time she produces another copy and puts it on. Then Noah was fucking whipped while they were going out, and let her play it in his car all the time. Ryan nearly had apoplexy. It was hilarious.” Mattie doubled up, laughing at the memory.

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