Should Have Known Better 3- Bonfire Circle

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The doorbell rang at ten minutes past seven. Juliet opened it to reveal Jake at the door with three of his friends waiting in the car. Jake noted that she didn’t seem too nervous and had picked perfect clothes for what he had planned, even though she hadn’t asked: jeans, Vans, a slightly dressy top, and a sweater to keep warm. More than anything he was impressed by her lack of nervousness though.

            “Hey,” she smiled, stepping out and pulling the door shut behind her.

            “Hey yourself,” he grinned back.

            Once they were all settled in the car and there was a lull in the conversation, Juliet suddenly asked, “So where are we going?”

            Jake, who was driving, answered, “Bonfire Circle”, glancing over at her. Alex elaborated for the socially backward girl, “It’s this spot in the forest with a huge clearing and five or six fire pits and logs and stuff. People from all the schools in the area gather there every Friday.”

            Juliet nodded in understanding, although her face betrayed a certain element of panic. Once they had arrived and gotten out of the car, Jake slung his arm around her shoulders and spoke into her ear, “It’ll be fun, I promise. Don’t worry, I’ll stay with you.”

            His words of comfort didn’t earn him anymore than a weak smile. The party had already started, and the group dispersed into the crowd. Jake tugged Juliet over to the drinks corner, while Alex tagged along.

            “Eaton! What up?” Jake called to a guy standing by the beer, who turned towards the three.

            “Hey Bayer, Ericsson, “ he said, nodding to each in turn before focusing on their company. “Jules! What are you doing here?” He broke out in a grin.

            “Oh, you know, came with them,” she gestured toward Jake and Alex.

            “Is that so?” James looked at the two guys while chuckling. “They blackmail you or something? Where’s Ryan?”

            “No clue. I’m not his keeper,” Juliet scoffed, ignoring the bewildered looks of Jake and Alex.

            “Yeah well. Have a drink,” he said, gesturing towards the small mountain of alcohol.

            “You two know each other?” Alex asked, the surprise evident in his voice, while Jake handed Juliet an Hard Lemonade, getting beer for himself and Alex.

            “James and I are neighbours,” Juliet quickly said, cutting James off. He frowned slightly, but nodded in agreement.

            “Oh yeah, funny, that never occurred to me when we picked you up,” Jake reasoned. That seemed to satisfy the two boys.  

            James just grinned at Juliet and shook his head in disbelief. “Well, see you guys,” he said, before going off to other people he knew.

            Jake and Alex led the way over to where Adam, Chris, Angela, and Lucy were sitting. They were nearly there before Juliet felt her arm being pulled, and the three of them heard “JULES” being screeched in excitement.

            “Fucking hell, Emma, my ears!” Juliet groaned, as Jake and Alex stopped and turned around.

            “What are you doing here?” Emma said excitedly, though at a more reasonable pitch.

            Juliet looked at her sternly. “I am here with some people from my school.”

Emma broke out laughing. “There’s only so much I can believe!”

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