Should Have Known Better 13

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           “You want to talk about any of it?” Jay’s question cut through the silence that had persisted since they had left the school property and gotten into Jay’s beaten up old car.

              “Huh?” Juliet asked, startled.

            Jay chuckled. “You were just storming into my classroom, ranting incoherently, so angry that you didn’t even notice who was in the room, and now you’re sulking silently. That’s quite the turnaround. I’m starting to think it was all just to get out of your last classes of the day.”

             “Ha, ha. Nice try,” was all she said.

             Jay took his eyes off the road to look at her. “Really, you’re starting to freak me out. I’ve never seen you so morose.”

           “I’m not morose.” She wasn’t really. This was normal for her, she just needed to wind down and calm down after confronting Jake and his cronies in the cafeteria like that. The immediate adrenaline high on which she had burst into Jay’s classroom had worn off by now.

             “Jesus, Jules. I – ”

            “I prefer just to go by Jules,” Juliet interrupted. “Although you’re right, if there is a god, I’m sure it is a woman.”

         Jay grinned. “There she is again. Didn’t expect us to dive right into theology, but anything you want to talk about is fair game, as long as you’re not scaring me with your silence.”

         Juliet arched an eyebrow, seeing an opportunity. “Anything, huh? Ok, to get away from theology just for a moment, as unusual as that is for me, let’s talk about you, Jay-Jay.”

            He rolled down the window to lean his elbow out. “Uh-oh. What about me?”

            “Tell me about drama in your life. Interested in any girls? Trouble with other teachers at school? Rifts with friends?”

            “You really don’t want to talk about yourself, do you?”

            “Got it in one.” Juliet turned her head to stare out the passenger window again.

            Jay sighed and suddenly flipped the indicator switch, so instead of indicating a right turn, the blinking light indicated left. “I’ve decided that you have to talk to me. So I’m not driving you to your house, you’re coming to my place for awhile.”

            She shrugged without looking at him. “You weren’t going in the right direction anyway. You were headed to my old house.”

            Jay studied her until the car behind him honked when the light turned green. This wasn’t the Jules he knew. She had always been the one joking around, keeping up with the guys, the girl who never gave a shit what anyone else thought or said about her. But at Ryford, she transformed into a quiet, bookish mouse of a girl, who was getting attention now in the worst possible way. They didn’t say a word as Jay drove across town and parked in the spot nearest to his building. They both got out of the car simultaneously, without a glance at the other, and then Jay led the way into the building, up the stairs, and to his apartment. Jay swung open the door and stepped inside, but Juliet stayed at the threshold, marveling at the room.

            “What?” Jay asked, when he noticed she was still by the open door.

            “I don’t think I’ve ever seen your place empty before. As in, no one here. Absolutely no one. Every time I’ve been here, there’s probably at least five other people, just hanging out, or fifty other people, having a party.”

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