Should Have Known Better 4- Bonfire continued

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          “You know Ryan Montgomery?” Alex choked out.

            Juliet nodded, but wasn’t inclined to elaborate on it, and the others were still trying to process the new information that the loser was friends, if not something more, with someone like Ryan Montgomery. Conversation had started up again by the time Ryan was back, thrusting a bottle towards Juliet and tossing a six-pack of beer to Alex.

     Ryan sat down next to Juliet and grinned at the group. “So. How do you know our little Jules?”

            “Uhh, from school. She goes to Ryford with us,” Jake answered hesitantly.

            “And how did you convince her to come here with you? You succeeded where many, myself included, have failed these many years,” Ryan continued with a grin that didn’t falter even at the elbow Juliet shoved into his ribcage.

            “Just asked her out was all,” Jake answered, a bit proud about it now.

            “Please stop, Ry, please,” Juliet begged.

            Ryan sighed. “Fine. I’ll go. Just a heads up though Jules, Noah is here.”

            She rolled her eyes. “Noted. Now shoo.”

            “Oh, and I’m picking you up at seven tomorrow.”

             Alex and Adam exchanged looks at this, while Jake stubbornly stared in the fire. Looked like they were more than friends. Why had she hidden that fact? Ryan didn’t seem to be ashamed of it. That alone was enough to free her from the label of loser, in any school.

            “If you show up a minute before eight I’m not opening the door.”

             Jake clenched his fists around his beer can so hard it dented, while Angela and Lucy could do no more than look flabbergasted.

            “Like I can’t get into your house.” Another look was exchanged.

            “Eight,” Juliet said sternly.

            “No. Eight won’t give us enough time, we should leave at seven.”

            “Seven will give us way too much time!”



            “What you don’t want an hour more of my company?”

            “Frankly, no!”

            “Ouch, Jules, ouch. I’m picking you up at seven.”

            “If you’re there at seven I’ll be asleep.”

             Alex frowned, puzzled.

            “Yeah right, like you can spend less than an hour getting ready and still look decent.” Ryan shot back. They were fighting like an old married couple.

            “Dude-“ Alex began, thinking it his duty to stop Ryan from being too mean to the poor girl, who was in over her head, considering Jake was too offended by the idea that his date was arranging tomorrow’s date in front of him to interject.

            “Alex, don’t bother,” Juliet chuckled. Looking around, she spotted another figure and suddenly shouted, “Noah! Noah! Come over here for a sec!” Noah Whittier, running-back on the same team as Ryan, headed over. Angela and Lucy looked about ready to die.

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