Should Have Known Better

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Dedication to ashsmexy for the beautiful cover :)


Adam stepped into Ryford High School for the first time that morning, trying to get used to his new surroundings. It was an average high school, supposedly better than his old school across state. As the day began, he found people to be friendly, and had already made a few promising acquaintances, mostly from the football team and a few of their friends. In history class, he found himself assigned to sit next to a girl with waist-length dirty blonde hair, who was currently trying to pin her thick hair up.


“Hey, I’m Adam,” he introduced himself.


The girl smiled around the two bobby pins in her mouth and removed them to answer, “Juliet. Nice to meet you. Where are you from?”


  “Smallish town on the other side of the state.”

            Juliet opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by a girl who had just flounced in with another girl and two guys at her heels. “Adam!” she called, waving.

            “Alright, Miss Smith, everyone sit down,” the teacher interjected, starting class. After the bell rang, Adam turned to Juliet again with his schedule in his hands. “Think you could tell me where Chemistry class is?”

            Her eyes flicked over to the group from earlier. “Yeah, it’s just down the hall on your left. But, listen Adam, just a word to the wise, if you want to befriend those people,” she said, nodding towards the group who was drawing closer to them by the second, “then you really shouldn’t be talking to me. I’m loser non grata here, and you seem like you have the potential to fit in with the jocks and cheerleaders. Just so you know.”

            Adam looked at her surprised, but his thoughts were interrupted by the same girl, Angela, calling his name again. Juliet smiled brightly at him and slipped away out the door of the classroom. “Mr Morris is one of those teachers who assigns seats, otherwise we would have saved you from that loser, sorry!” Angela chirped.

            Adam chuckled. “No problem. She’s not that bad.”

            Lucy, Angela’s friend, grimaced. “She’s completely weird. She has no friends.” Adam puzzled about Juliet all through Chemistry. She didn’t fit the common description of a loser in high school. She was actually really pretty, and her hair was damn sexy. She hadn’t seemed too shy or withdrawn, so she should have some friends.

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