Unhappy Refrain -KH.FF- <AXEL>

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…Maybe I should tell her.

“Fine, but you promise not to tell a soul? Especially him?” I huffed, waving a finger at her.

“On my life.” she smiled, raising her left hand as she put her right over her heart in one of those mock poses of absolute truth or whatever.I glared at the redhead in front of me and sighed.

“He has red hair-”

“Hey! I thought I was getting a name,” Vanille whined.

“Well suck it up, you get a hint!”

“…So it’s Axel right?”

“How’d you know?!” I groaned, stomping my foot like a child who didn’t get the toy they wanted. She giggled a little at this, before looking at me seriously.

“So, why him?” she asked.

“He’s kinda…manipulative. And sneaky. So, basically he’s a dick.”

“He is kinda sneaky, and also very secretive, and a dick…Ugh, why the heck do I like him again?!” I groaned.

“That’s what I’m asking you, hun,” Vanille smiled, well, it seemed more sarcastic than anything…

“I don’t know! He’s…a rude, manipulative, sneaky bastard!” I sighed, “…But I think he’s also very…interesting...” I said, not understanding how to word it myself. She raised a brow at this.

"Interesting? How?" I took a deep breath and sighed.

"I...don't really know. I mean, he is a dick, admittedly. But, the thing is, he also seems...tired." She blinekd.

"...Tired?" I nodded.

"Yeah...like he's very tired. But, when it also comes to actually being friends with people, despite the fact that he's...well, him...he's also a nice person, when he needs to be."

“Aw! Little {Name}’s in wuvvvv~!” Vanille squealed, using a baby voice.

“Shut up!” I laughed, shaking my head at the girl’s enthusiasm, “I’m going to bed, see you in the morning.”


The next day was uneventful. There wasn’t really anything to be enthusiastic about. It’s school. It doesn’t matter if it’s filled with my favorite characters in all of video game history. It’s school.


“Ah!” I turned away from staring at my lunch and glared at a grinning, and I mean grinning, Vanille.

“Almost gave me a freaking heart attack…”

“We have plans afterschool. Wait for me outside.” I raised a brow at the girl and nodded before turning back to eat my food.

“Fine, whatever.”


As we walked home, I turned to Vanille and started my interrogation.

“What are we doing?”

“We’re going dress shopping for the dance.” Vanille stated.

“But before that, we need to pick up someone to help us.”

“Who? Zack? You aren’t gonna try and bring Warrior, are you?”

“No, and of course not! Fang’d throw a hissy fit if we took her patient without her say-so.” Vanille rolled her eyes.

Unhappy Refrain -KH.FF-Where stories live. Discover now