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     " This is your last week attending physical therapy , How do you feel? A few more sessions and you're done" Audrey's therapist said slowing down the treadmill. She smiled " Amazing. I never thought I'd be able to function on my own again because of the pain , but because of you and the lord I'm back and better than ever ".

After leaving that night six months ago she got into a horrible accident with a semi truck. Had he not pressed on breaks when he did she wouldn't be here and by nothing but the grace of god she only left the scene with two broke legs and a few gashes. The outcome could have been way different and she was thanking God daily for his grace.

Sadly her unborn child didn't make it because of the impact and it left a hole in her heart. Knowing she couldn't save her little boy ; which she had found out after they delivered the still born via c section; ate her more than she showed. She often felt it was her fault , but that night made her realize life is too precious to spend it depressed over something she couldn't change.

She didn't even want revenge on Jaterria and Chevy. She wished them the absolute best. Although it hurt she wasn't going to press the issue "You were a little difficult in the beginning but I saw determination in you. I knew you were going to bounce back. You're one of the strongest people that have come through here and no one can take that from you. With the drive that you have you can accomplish anything" She said smiling and hugging her. Audrey didn't click with others easily but with her it came natural. She was so much like a mother figure that she lacked.

"Thank you so much Mrs.Davis" She responded fanning her eyes.

"My son will be here shortly. Would you like to wash up before he arrives?" Her son would always come in after sessions to give a second opinion on Audrey's progress. Mrs.Davis knew how Audrey felt about people seeing her cry.

She nodded her head before heading up stairs and collecting herself.

After washing up she walked into the living room seeing an extremely handsome guy sitting and speaking with her therapist. She quietly took in his numerous tattoos and sharp side profile. Lucas was good looking but this son was FINE.

She coughed not knowing what to say since this wasn't the son she was used to seeing. "Oh here she is now. Mahz this is Audrey , Audrey this is Mahz. The son who's barely around" Mrs.Davis spoke putting emphasis on the last part while side eyeing him.

Looking up his eyebrow lifted and he eyed her intensely. Audrey unconsciously brushed her hand over her hair wondering if it was wild. "I think I know Her" He mumbled out before looking down at his phone.

She was confused for a moment so she denied it. "No I would know if I saw you". Her words had double meaning because she was sure if she seen someone as handsome as him she would've remembered. Her eyes scanned his tall figure once more but nothing came to mind.

"I don't think you saw anything but two people that night" He shrugged. Audrey's eyebrows furrowed as she racked her brain to figure out what he was talking about. That's when she realized his voice was familiar.
Her cheeks flushed bright red and regret washed over her " I'm so sorry about that. I wasn't thinking and- "

He stopped her with a low chuckle " I know. I visited you during your time in the hospital once I heard what happened and the broad you fought informed me of the details. I don't blame you. Though you could have handled it a little classier " She tilted her head not knowing rather to be upset or grateful for his words as he slightly mugged her.

" Yea ok you trying having your bestfriend fuck your girlfriend for two years of y'all four year relationship and let's see how classy you are" She huffed out. There was no way he was sitting up here judging her reaction. That was beyond betrayal for her.

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