Epilogue: The Darkness Awakens (Posted June 20, 2016)

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"Do what you feel in your heart is right— for you'll be criticized anyway." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Opening Crawl

Sixteen years have passed and peace is reigning throughout the galaxy, in all timelines. But something has changed and the darkness is finding its way back. The chancellor has escaped his prison, in the altered timeline, and has gone looking for his old master Darth Plagueis.

Rey Skywalker, Poe Dameron, and Finn have decided it is time to go back and check on the timeline Luke had left them in charge of. But they are not the only ones going back. Thirty-nine year old Luke Skywalker and his twin Leia Organa are on their way back to that timeline as well.

The twenty year old children of that timeline are finally old enough to be tested, with the dark side. Both Luke and Leia are ready to become Jedi masters and both can't wait to see what's in store once they do become Jedi masters. But as the dark side comes ever closer the two start to realize it isn't going to be as easy as they thought it would be...

Episode One: To Travel Back

Sixteen Years After
"Episode Ten: The Voyage Home"

Third Person POV

"Aren't you coming, Leia?" Rey asks while grabbing a bag and making sure her lightsaber was in it's place.

"No, I'm too old to be running around and traveling through time, say hi to... Tell them I said hi." Leia answers her thoughts drifting back to when she first met Luke and Han. A sigh escapes the old woman's lips as she thought of Han.

"Will do, General." Poe reassures her with a smile and a resort to old ways. She was still a political figure, even now, that the Empire and the First Order were gone.

"Well, we best get going, we'll make sure to check in with the other Luke also." Finn says and Leia smiles slightly.

"Thank you, I'll see you there when you get back." Leia says and the three of them nod slightly before starting out of the building.

"Off to Coruscant." Poe says with a smile and Rey and Finn laugh quietly before following the pilot through time.


"Are you really thinking about doing this again, Luke? Wasn't the last time good enough?" A 39 year old Leia asks while watching her brother grab his saber and a bag.

"We said we would meet back up in a few years, and it's been 16! I think it's time, and in that timeline we would be 20 by now." Luke states and Leia just shakes her head, "It just wouldn't be right for me to not make you meet Han."

Leia laughs with a shake of her head, "What about my son and all of your padawans? What will come of them while you're gone?" Luke sighs quietly while setting his bag back down.

"You can train them." He states flatly and Leia just groans.

"I'm not even that good yet, Luke! How do you expect me to be able to train them?"

"Oh, calm down, Leia!" Luke says while putting a hand on her shoulder, "They can have some time off. Besides it should only be a few days before I'm back, anyway."

Leia crosses her arms and then she sighs, "Maybe I should come with you. To see who these people you talk about are."

"I don't think—!"

"I'm not letting you go back without actually seeing what all the fuss is about!" Leia states and Luke sighs giving in.

"Fine, but as long as Ben stays with Han, and as long as Han actually looks after him. I'm not letting what happened to them, happen to you."

"What about me?" Han asks and both Luke and Leia turn to face the smuggler.

"You're looking after Ben for the next few days." Leia states flatly and Han just raises an eyebrow.

"And why is that?" He asks and Luke almost scoffs.

"I'm taking Leia back with me." Luke states and Han's eyes grow wide for a second.

"I didn't think you were going back." He states with a questioning glance at Leia.

"I said I would, and I'm keeping my end of the bargain." Luke sighs and Han nods.

"Alright, I'll look after Ben." He sighs, causing Leia to smile slightly.


A/N: Hi guys, I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I did! And I hope you all stop by when book two comes out! Which I don't have a preset release day yet so I'll be getting back to you. But yeah, this has been great! I've actually finished a book! Woohoo! Also there might be a prelude book coming out also. No preset release on that either, but like I said, I'm going to get back to you guys on that.

Did you guys enjoy this book?
I did, and I really can't wait for what's in store! I'm so excited to be moving forward in this series.

Well, that's all for now!


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