Episode Eight: Force Visions and Planetary Decisions

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"Speak when you are angry and make the best speech you will ever regret." ~ Ambrose Bierce

Third Person POV

He just disappeared. Poof! Like smoke. The room was in so much turmoil that no one noticed him slip away.

"You said there was another?" Anakin asks Leia after sending the hologram to Padmé's ship.

"Yes." Leia nods slightly, "I felt a new presence as Luke went into the Force. A younger presence."

"Could you tell how old he was?" Anakin asks hoping she wasn't confused with his actual son, since she never actually met him.

"Yes, I could tell you his exact age and I could tell you exactly what happened just before he came here. If that would ease your mind." Leia states flatly and Anakin had smirk. She's a politician, just like her mother.

"Leia?" Rey asks while walking over to both Anakin and Leia.

"Yes, Rey?" Leia asks while glancing over at her nephew.

"After I started training with Luke our Force connection became very powerful. Without a thought we could look into each other's minds." Rey paused to collect her thoughts, "I can see into someone's mind, and the things I see... They're terrifying."

"What do you see?" Leia asks a hint of worry in her voice.

"Lightning." Rey states with a slight grimace as she closes her eyes, "A metal hand hidden in a black glove, a red lightsaber, odd breathing, and," She flinched, "Yellow eyes." Rey opened her eyes finished with the things she saw.

"Odd breathing?" Anakin asks with a raised eyebrow and Rey just nods slightly.

"I'm not really sure how to describe it." Rey admits quietly and Anakin nods in return with a silent, "Ok."

"I was right." Leia admits with a sigh, "He is young."

"How old is he?" Rey asks and Anakin glances over at her because he was just about to ask that same thing.

"No older than twenty-three." Leia sighs again as she remembers the Battle of Endor and the things her brother had told her about what happened on the second Death Star.


Kylo Ren stands looking out of a large window, on one of the Star Destroyers that had remained hidden from the Jedi. He sighs quietly, his thoughts conflicted. General Hux then appears by his side. Kylo hadn't even noticed his footfalls.

"I know what you're feeling." Hux says with a glance over at the conflicted Kylo, "I doubt you know that I am a force user, and I know that you would never be able master my abilities."

"You're a force user?" Kylo asks quietly, a little bit of shock coming from his altered voice.

"Yes, a kind that you know not of, that almost no one knows anything about." The General admits quietly and Kylo noticed a pained look, "It has been many years since I last saw any of my family, and if I went back now... I'd be as good as dead."

Kylo didn't answer. He didn't know how. He was glad he killed Luke but something was telling him that he wasn't. He wanted to go tell his mother he was sorry but something was keeping him from doing so.

"Snoke knows nothing of this, and I'd like to keep it that way." Hux says and Kylo nods slightly, "If you wish to leave and fix what you've done, I suggest you do it, or you will never get another chance."

Kylo nodded but his eyes remained on the moon before them. It was a forest moon. Kylo could hear Hux's footfalls as he left but he still did not turn from the moon. This is were it will end. Either I will go down, or they will.

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