Episode Ten: The Voyage Home

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"Fear is the only true enemy, born of ignorance and the parent of anger and hate." ~ Edward Albert

Third Person POV

Padmé's eyes continue to survey the skies as her thoughts drift to her husband. Is he alright? Have they captured Ky–Ben? Is anyone hurt? Where is this Starkiller?

"Mommy?" Leia asks and Padmé turns to look at her daughter.

"Yes, what is it, Leia?" She asks and Leia just raises an eyebrow.

"Lukey says you're worried about daddy." Leia states and Padmé nods turning to glance back out at Coruscant's sky.

"Yes, I'm worried." She answers her eyes moving over the ships wanting one of them to be hers.

"He's fine, they are all fine." Leia states flatly, "Even the other Lukey is fine and Ben, Ben's fine too."

Padmé smiles. Good, I'm glad my grandson is alright. They didn't hurt him and he didn't hurt anyone else. Leia smiles also before walking back down the hall.


"So, why did you decide to stop being the bad guy?" Poe asks the red headed past First Order general.

"I thought of my family, and what they would think of me if I remained working for Snoke." Hux admits with a sigh and a gloved hand over his face. My wife, my daughter.

"I didn't even know you had a family." Finn states and Hux scoffs quietly.

"No one knew, not even Snoke." Hux laughs but this only makes the others rises eyebrows, "I never did let the Sith look into my head." The general looks up at the Jedi surrounding him. Finn, Rey, Poe, and Leia seem not to believe him.

"But you don't have the force. How can he not see into your head?" Finn asks and the general looks as if he might burst out laughing.

"And that, FN-2187, is where you are wrong." Hux states flatly, with a slight smirk, "I just don't use it."

"How can you not use the force?!" This question came from Obi-Wan.

"Not everyone uses the force for everything, besides, I didn't want Snoke to exploit it." Hux states with a shrug.


Luke glances up at Poe as he settles into the pilot's seat. Luke then sighs quietly his eyes moving out to the stars that are flying by.

"What?" Poe asks while glancing over at the troubled Jedi before him.

"I can't believe I used force lightning..." Luke whispers, almost sounding pained, "On my own nephew! It was only meant to be a force push, not lightning."

"Stop talking so fast, you sound like Rey, when she's nervous." Poe comments a sigh escaping his lips, "Besides, we captured him, that's what matters. He can't hurt anyone else now that we've got him."

"I know." Luke runs a hand through his hair, "It just doesn't feel right, it feels more like something a Sith would use."

"Well, don't feel to bad about using it, I've seen you do it before." Poe admits with a small, comforting smile.

"Really? And I didn't seem to feel bad about it?" Luke asks his mood lightening at the very thought of his older self wielding a power, that seemed bad, for good.

"Yeah, Rey doesn't have it mastered, yet, but you were teaching her how to do it." Poe explains with a smile, "You also seemed quite proud of it."

Proud? "I was proud?" Luke asks and Poe nods as if it was a no brainer.

"Yeah," Poe paused catching a look from Luke, "Not that you boasted or anything, you were very nice about it."

"It's not a nice power to have though." Luke sighs, a hand covering his face, for a few seconds, collecting his thoughts, "It's dangerous, painful, and seems quite uncontrollable."

"You seem like you know from experience."

"Well, the emperor did use it on me..." Luke trails off, with a pained sigh, and Poe puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry, I didn't know it would..." Poe trails off, now, not knowing what to say or even how to comfort the Jedi.

"It's fine, I'm fine, it doesn't matter, really." Luke brushes it off and Poe removed his hand from Luke's shoulder. For force's sake, why do you look so familiar? You remind me of... Why, you remind me of... myself.

"Looks like we're getting close." Poe says while turning to face the control panel.


The ship was quiet now that no one was on it. Padmé stands by the door and when her eyes meet the eyes of her grandson she is shocked. He looks so tormented. The eyes were not yellow like she had expected a Sith's eyes to be. They were brown, and they looked terrifying.

"We are going to need to take him back as soon as possible." Leia states flatly her eyes on Padmé who nods in understanding.

"I can go retrieve Captain Phasma." Hux suggests but Leia shakes her head slowly.

"I'm not allowing you to go alone, Poe and Finn will go with you." Leia commands sounding like a general to Luke.

"Alright." Finn states before both him and Poe follow Hux back out.

"So will you be coming back?" Padmé asks as Anakin takes his place beside her.

"No, I doubt it will be necessary." Leia answers and Padmé nods slowly.

"It depends, if the force wills it, then we'll come back." Rey answers and Leia just shakes her head sadly. Rey notices this and adds, "It's what Luke would have wanted."

"She's right, Leia." The twenty three year old comments and Leia sighs quietly.

"So you may come back?" Anakin asks both Rey and Luke nod slightly.


The time travelers stand saying their good byes to the people of this time. They had shown up and taken the timeline by storm. Changing it, melding it, and breaking it only to fix it to be better than their own timeline.

The time travelers watch as Luke slowly disappears with a wave. The rest of the time travelers look at each other holding their prisoners by their arms. Then with a glance at Anakin and Padmé they disappear.


A/N: Last real chapter right here, guys! I am so happy for those of you who have stuck around, and I'm glad this book has made it this far. Most of my books end before I can even finish them because I no longer like them. I lose the concept sooner than expected. But this book was so different, I could feel the book all the way through and I could tell this one was going to end up finished and in its entirety.


Star Wars: Divisions of Time (AU) {Wattys2016}Where stories live. Discover now