Episode Seven: Luke and Leia

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"There's a story behind every person, there's a reason why they're the way they are. Think about that before you judge someone." ~ Kush and Wisdom, Pinterest.

Third Person POV

"Who are you?" A woman asks and Poe just glances at her. He knew her, but she was much, much younger than the women he knew.

"I'm Poe, but my last name is better left unsaid." Poe states flatly as a group of Stormtroopers comes out of the forest.

"Look, the kids!" A Stormtrooper calls to his commander.

"These are not the kids you are looking for." A young man says while stepping out of the forest to Poe's right.

"These are not the kids we are looking for." The Stormtroopers repeat before the group of resistance fighters take their weapons.

"Thanks." Poe mutters to the young Jedi who slowly turns to face him. Then Poe is hit with realization and his mouth falls agape. "Your Luke Skywalker!" Poe says and the four year old Luke by his side looks up then at the young man.

"How do you know who I am?" The young man asks his hand reaching for the green lightsaber that hung off his belt.

"Woah, easy, I'm not the bad guy here." Poe says while putting his hands up, "I'm from the future, just like you."

Luke lets go of his saber and studies the man before him, "Alright, but how do I know I can trust you?"

"He's protecting me and my children." Padmé finally speaks, watching the man that would eventually be her son.

Luke looks down at the two children and smiles. His eyes fall onto his sister, then onto himself. Luke then looks at the woman who spoke. She was beautiful but happy, was this really the woman that gave birth to him and Leia?

I never knew my mother. She was sad, sad but beautiful. Leia, I feel her presence, not just in this child before me but in another. Did she follow me here?

"We should head back to the ship." Padmé says to Poe before quickly adding, "I'll take Luke, you can take Leia."

Poe picks up Leia and stares at her for a few seconds, "I'm not very good with kids, how about you take her, Luke."

"Sure, I'll hold my sister." Luke replies with a smile. He takes his sister as Poe takes off to catch up with Padmé mumbling about her getting lost or something. Luke watches the two and hums slightly to himself knowing that there was something between them whether they knew it or not.

"Lukey saw that too." Leia says and Luke looks down at the girl he was carrying, "But he's sad right now."

"Why is he sad?" Luke asks his eyes moving to his younger self then back to Leia.

"He just felt himself..." Leia trails off trying to think of a word she knew the meaning of, "Fall asleep."

Luke watches her and he knows what she means, but how was that possible? The four year old wasn't dead, yet he felt himself die? Luke knew he wasn't dead so was there another Luke that had just died?

"How's your father?" Luke asks wondering how the man he was here to save was doing. If he was already saved then his presence here was redundant and unnecessary.

"Daddy? He's confused, and hurting." Leia says and Luke looks at her. Confused? Hurting? Why? "He saw... A bad man showed him something that hurt him."

"Did you hear me?" Luke asks and the four year old nods.

"We're here!" Poe calls back to Luke who stops as his eyes fall onto a metallic and reflective ship. Wow, that's different. Luke walks over to the ship his eyes still staring at it in curiosity.

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