Seven ; Hello Ethan

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Esme's POV

Me and Belle sat at the tables in the cafeteria. "I think you are pregnant." She whispered. I stopped eating for a minute to look at the food i brought for lunch.

Cheese balls, orange juice, waffles and pep pizza.

Cravings to the max geez.

"I dont know what your talking about." I said, continuing to eat. She sighed, but continued eating her lunch.

"Did you see new guy?" I overheard a conversation at the table next to us. "Yeah he's totally hot, he's from the United States."

Belle eyed me suspiciously, "it can't be Ethan." I said, taking bite of my waffle. Belle shrugged.

"Esme." I heard a voice say, oh shit.

I turned around curiously, seeing Ethan stand behind me with a bouquet of red roses.

"Ethan!" I exclaimed, jumping into his arms. We kissed for a brief moment, when he released me and sat down with me at the table.

I looked around, seeing girls, once again, look at me in disgust.

"How come she gets a hot American boyfriend?" One scoffed. I sighed, annoyed with girls.

Ethan put a arm around my shoulders, kissing my temple.

"What made you come here?" I asked Ethan. "Your Uncle actually flew me out." He said smiling.

He what. Oh no. This is fucking bad.

"How sweet of Tony." I said, looking at Belle who already knew about everything.

Ethan stole a piece of pepperoni from my pizza. "Asshole." I muttered. "Your asshole." He sneered. I laughed quietly.

"I mean i guess." I said, causing him to pretend to be hurt.

"Oh stop." I said, hitting him playfully.


"Aye Ethan! Good to meet ya." My uncle said, patting his back when we walked in.

"Yeah, we'll be upstairs." I said, grabbing Ethan's arm. "Let us boys talk Esme." Uncle tried.

"No, you can another time." I said, pushing Ethan in front of me, and up the stairs.

I changed into shorts and a sweater, putting my hair up into a pony tail. I layed down next to Ethan, him putting a arm around me.

"I missed you, babygirl." Ethan said, twirling my hair around. "I missed you too babe." I said, rolling over so i was laying on him, my head on his chest.

"That could hurt the baby." Ethan said, pushing me off gently so i was on my side again.

"Im not pregnant Ethan. Stop overreacting." I said, a little rudely. I got up and went to go sit in my beanbag.

"You look like a pancake." I said, giggling at Ethan who was just staring at the ceiling.

"Baby?" I questioned, getting no response. "I didnt want to hurt your feelings." I said sadly, getting up to make sure he's alright.

He moved once i was in his range, only to grab me and throw me on the bed. "Ethan!" I exclaimed laughing.

He held my waist tightly, putting his head in the crook of my neck.


I walked around the school bored. I wasnt trying to go to 1st period, i hate math.

I walked over to the field, where i saw Ethan.

"Eth--" i started to yell, but stopped when a girl started to kiss him.

Wow. I knew i shouldnt have done anything with this kid. Back to plotting how to kill him.

I left school and went to my uncle joes pizza parlor, where he made me a whole margherita pizza.

"How you been kid?" He questioned, sitting across from me. "Good, how bout you uncle joe?" I asked.

"Listen kid, your Uncle Tony, had me put a bug in your phone. That's why Ethan is here. He knows about you two. I didnt want to do it but, he threathened to kill me. I just want you happy kid." Uncle Joe confessed.

I nodded, eating my pizza. "So you've heard my calls? Seen my texts, watched my facetimes?" I asked cautiously. He nodded. "Oh." I said.


Nervousness. Thats all i felt as i sat in this waiting room. All i could hear was the tapping of pens on clipboards.

"Esme Luciano?" A nurse asked, i stood up, grabbing my back pack from the table beside me.

We walked down a hall, and into a room with a ultra sound and baby stuff.

I looked around, feeling nervousness over come me.

"Have you been having any cravings? Sickness?" She questioned. "Yes." I answered, dangling my feet from my chair.

"Please come and lie down here, we can see if you are or not." She instructed. I nodded, slowly walking over.

I layed down, lifting up my shirt.

She poured the cool liquid gel on my stomach, rubbing the ultrasound stick thing over it.

"There's your baby." She said, pointing to the small human being.

I looked up to the monitor, tears running down my cheeks.

My baby. My own baby. I-i dont know what to feel. Im happy, im nervous, im scared. I have a human being growing inside of me. Wow.

"I'll prescribe you prenatal vitamins and we can set up your check ups at the front desk." The nurse said, handing me a photo of my tiny tiny baby that looked like a little bean.


Ethan's POV

I walked slowly up the stairs to Esme's room, it was 2 am and everyone was asleep. I slowly opened her door, shutting it softly behind me.

I heard Esme crying softly, damn. I took off my shoes, shirt, and i quickly put on basketball shorts.

I crawled into bed beside her, holding her crying body. She turned around to cry in my chest. "That girl kissed me Es, i would never cheat." I said quietly. "I know." She whispered.

"Then why you crying baby?" I asked. "Can we go get food?" She asked, laughing a bit. "Of course." I said, changing into my clothes again.

I watched as she slipped out of bed with my plaid pajama pants and one of my sweaters on. She put on vans and we left.

"You know you have on my clothes?" I asked when she got situated in the car. "I know." She said, smiling contently.

I pulled out the driveway, my right hand holding hers. "Tell me what you were crying about Es." I said, rubbing my thumb over her small hand.

"I-im pregnant." She said hesitantly.

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