Six ; You Can't Be Serious

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Class. Work. Teachers. Annoying peers. Time going by like a snail. I hated and dreaded school, i mean, nothing is the same after Jersey. My friends here seem boring now, all they care about is the parties and the hot Italian boys like Johnny Blazzio. Who, tries to hit on me every now and then.

Speak of the devil, he just walked in and sat next to me, making the girls give me dirty looks.

"What's it like in New Jersey? Maybe Canada." Johnny smirked, making me look away in disgust.

"It was very fun, you weren't there." I said smiling the fakest smile of all time. This boy had nerve.

"I bet you lost ya virginity while there, and you came back because your pregnant." He teased.

"I came back because i was deported back. Now shut up Johnny." I snapped.

"Yeah, whatever." He continued. But i landed a punch to his face, making all the girls cry out and run towards his body that fell off the stool he was sitting on.

"How could you do that! Your such a bitch!" One girl screamed but i took one look at her and she looked away.

I texted Ethan about what happened, he said he had a similar thing happen also.

I said i have to go when the bell rang, the teacher walking in and starting to write on the board without greeting.


"Chill." My friend Belle joked as i threw up in the bathroom after smelling the cooking steak my uncle was making.

"Shut up Belle." I said, brushing my teeth.

"Who's Ethan? He's facetiming you." Belle questioned answering the call.

"Wheres Esme?" He questioned Belle. "She's brushimg her teeth because she was puking." Belle answered innocently, i grabbed the phone from her once i rinsed my mouth out.

"Are you okay babygirl?" Ethan questioned, making my heart melt. "Y-yeah, just a bit under the weather babe thats all." I said. Ethan smiled.

"Aye Esme! Steaks done." My cousin Lenny yelled, opening my door, causing the smell of cooked meat to waft in. I quickly threw my phone on the bed, going back to the bathroom and puking again.

This time i just used some mouthwash, grabbing my phone from Belle again. I noticed Lenny was gone, and my door was shut again.

"Your not okay Es. I just googled 'are you sick if you throw up at the smell of cooking meat' and it says that that only occurs if pregnant." Ethan said worriedly.

"Your so cute, its probably only a stomach flu babe chill." I said laughing. "We were unprotected." Ethan said, looking very serious now. "Just a stomach flu Eth, now i gotta go okay? Bye bye."

"Esme make a doctors appointment. Please." Ethan said. I sighed, "fine but i gotta go, bye."

I threw my phone on my bed and looked at Belle. "You could become a mom." She said, looking like she just saw a ghost. "Key word, could." I said, walking downstairs to eat.

Uncle Tony's POV

I watched and listened to the whole call. I was mad, but i was going to let her go to that appointement. If she is pregnant, then i'll drag Ethan down here and personally beat him up myself.

"Maybe you should just let her be happy." My brother said. I looked at Esme, seeing her smile brightly while talking to Belle about Ethan.

"He's the enemy. We dont go back on what we are already supposed to do. If she doesnt kill him, she dies." I said rudely.

"Thats your niece Tony, thats your own flesh and blood. Thats not how we treat family." Joe said, walking away.


(I wont be updating for a while after today {3.25.16} because my phone will be taken away due to my report card. I'll update whenever possible.)

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