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Chapter Seventeen:

~•"Where is she?!!" Jinki stormed into David's house, blinded with panic. David came out of the kitchen and tried to calm him down "Yah! Jinki! Calm down!" "Calm down?! My so called best friend just tried to rape the woman I'm in love with!! How the fuck and I suppose to calm down?!!" he yelled and David grabbed his shoulders "Listen! Sori's fine, ok?? She's resting in the back, Jewel's taking care of her." He looked at him and some of the panic left him, David sat him down and he held his head. He felt hot, as if his body was gonna burn up and explode. David handed him a bottle of water to rest his nerves and sat in a chair next to him. "Sori's at most traumatized from it all, but it shouldn't effect her for to much as long she gets some rest and stays far away from Tony." Jinki drank half the water before putting the bottle on the coffee table "Did he hurt her?" his tone was beyond dark, and David was almost afraid to answer "Just minor scratches and bruises, nothing serious." "Good for nothing son of a bitch, I'm gonna kill him." He rose to his feet and David slouched in his seat "You're not gonna kill him Jinki." "You wanna bet, I've got enough reason to kill him." "You're just upset, believe me, I wanted to kill him when I saw it too. Just take a minute to cool off ok? Sori wouldn't want to see you upset." Jinki sighed and ran his hand through his hair "You can stay here for the night until you head clears, me and Jewel are gonna go back to your place, Tony's still beyond drunk and I just to make sure he doesn't do anything else drastic." Jinki nodded as Jewel stepped out of the bedroom and walked up to them "How is she?" Jinki asked and she gave a sad smile "She actually wants to see you, you can go in." He looked at her, then at David "It's fine, we'll try to be back soon." Jewel took his hand as they headed for the door. Jinki grabbed the door knob as they left and opened it slightly. He peaked inside and saw her, she'd wrapped herself in the covers with her knees to her chest, staring at the floor. He opened the door all the way and she turned to him, the bandages clear on her face "Jinki!!" she bolted up and ran to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He froze for a moment then hugged her back tightly, he let out a ragged breath "How did you know I was here?" he asked and her grip tightened "I heard your voice." her voice shook and he realized she was crying. He backed away and looked at her "Sori, please don't cry." she shook her head "I can't help it, I saw so scared...I-I didn't think I'd see you again..." she confessed and he felt his own years coming. He hugged her again, picking her up in his arms and sat on the bed with her. They just held each other in silence before his voice broke it moments later "I'm so sorry...this is all my fault." Sori backed away from him, his face stained with tears "Ani..." Sori tried to wipe them but he stopped her "It is Sori, I should have known better than to leave you alone with him, I just though he'd be too drunk to get up and you would have left by then." Sori stared at him as he dropped his head on her chest "I should have been there to protect you..." Sori stroked his hair "Jinki" he cried on her shoulder "Don't blame yourself ok? No one could have known what he was gonna do...not even me..." she tensed and he raised his head, her eyes were drifting "You're ok now, he can't hurt you anymore." He touched her banged up face and her shaky eyes met his. She held his hand and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath "Are you really gonna kill him?" she asked and he was taken by surprise before a small grin came to his face "Probably." He chuckled a little and she laughed with him "I plan on going over there tomorrow to see him." Sori looked down at their hands "I know you'll probably say no, or think Im crazy but...I wanna go back with you." And, like she said, he looked at her like she was crazy "Bwoh?! You were lucky enough that David got you out of there!!" "I know, and it's not that I wanna see him, I just..." She tightened her grip on his hand "I-I haven't told anyone else about what happened, and you're the only family I've got in this right now..." she looked at him with wet eyes and he stared at her "I want to be with you, by your side, just for a while?" Jinki felt her body start to shake in his grip "I-I don't wanna be left alone again..." He felt a dagger go through his heart, all this pain she had to deal with, it was his pain too and it hurt him just as much as it hurt her. He pulled her back into a hug "I won't Sori." he stroked her head as she nuzzled into his chest "I won't leave you alone again." She held onto him tightly before drifting to sleep in his arms, she was tired and even though she was asleep her body still trembled in shock from the earlier attack. At that point all trust, love and sympathy he had toward Tony vanished. He was nothing to him, nothing more than a wild drunk. He was no longer his friend, and the next time he saw him, was going to be the last.

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