•~Close Call~•

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Chapter Seven:

~The two continued their frequent meet ups much to Tony's annoyance. He continued to drink, continued to have parties and Sori could see the anger building up inside Jinki. She still hadn't told him about the other times Tony's been inappropriate with her, she couldn't. She saw him going through enough.

~ Jinki was at the studio working when his phone suddenly rang and he stepped out side to take it. "Yeboseyo?" "Yah Jinki!" David sung and he smiled "Hey! Why are you calling, aren't you at work?" "I just got on break, I know I haven't been by in a while so I thought I'd call to see how your two tents are doing." Jinki rested his back against the wall "Ah, Sori has been settling in well. She helps around the house and stuff, we go and hang out occasionally. She only called me Jinki once and hasn't since..." he whined cutely and David laughed "At least she said it though right? How's Tony doing?" He went silent for a while then sighed "Same as always. He's still drinking and sleeping around with girls he picks up at the bars. He even brought them to my house once." "What?!" David sounded disgusted "Is he crazy, doesn't he know how dangerous that is?!" "I know, I know." Jinki could only look at his pants with his head hung low. "He's so inconsiderate, if I was you I would have kicked him out a long time ago." "Yeah well I'm not you. He's my friend David and yours, if I'm not gonna be there and help him who will?" David sighed "Some people can't be helped Jinki. Maybe he needs to get his mind right for himself instead of making you lose yours." Jinki didn't respond and David took it as his signal go "I'm gonna go check on him ok? I know your probably working late tonight. Is he at the house?" "Neh, probably sleeping off his hangover." "Sori isn't there is she?" he asked with concern "Ani, she's at practice with the girls, she told me she probably won't be home till late too." He answered thinking about her "Ok then, I'll you later, think about what I said ok?" Jinki sighed heavily as he put weight back on his feet and headed for the door "Neh, I know."

~Sori arrived back home tired and hungry. "I'm so hungry!" she whined holding her tummy. Practice had ended much earlier today thank she thought. She made her way into the kitchen to grab some water then pulled out her phone to call Onew and let him know she'd gotten home. "Look who's home~" a familiar voice startled her as she looked up to see Tony leaning on the counter with a lazy smile. Sori looked at him as she noticed the bottle of beer in his hand. "How sweet of you to come home early just to see me" he took another long drink without breaking eye contact with her. "I see you've been drinking again" she said glaring at him "Can't say I'm surprised." Tony laughed and stumbled into the kitchen and Sori eyed him. His eyes were looking over her body again giving her chills "I heard you were hungry" he walked closer to her and she could smell the heavy alcohol on his breath "I got something you can eat." He smirked grabbing her waist forcefully as she jerked with a scared face. He moved into kiss her and she pushed him back "Stop it! Let me go!" he grabbed her hands to stop her struggling "Come honey, don't be difficult" he slammed her roughly into the wall earning a painful yelp "Aren't you tired of being a virgin?" Sori lifted her legs trying to kick him as she tried to get her arms free "Tony let me go now! You're drunk!!" "Just do what I say and you'll learn to like it." he said in her ear as he forcefully kissed her neck. "No!! Let me go right now or I'll tell Onew!!" He suddenly stopped and looked at her, Sori looked in fear as a creepy grin formed on his face "You think he's gonna listen to you just because you're his special lady friend? I'm his best friend and I have been for years. You wanna know the truth, Jinki doesn't give a shit about you. Being with you is only good for his image." "You're lying." Sori glared at him and he grinned "Am I? Who do you think he talk to after he hangs out with you? He tells me everything." Sori went silent and water was formed in her eyes as she huffed in anger, Tony tilted his head "Oh Oka-San, you have a crush on him don't you?" Sori stared at him unable to do anything but cry "And you actually thought he liked you..." He touched her face and she flinched as more tears fell from her eyes "I think we understand each other now, right?" he smiled "You're gonna keep your mouth shut, if you say a word to Jinki about anything, I'll make sure you're your punished for it." Sori remained silent as he backed away from her grabbing his beer bottle again watching her as he walked into the living room. Sori stood motionless in the kitchen, shivering in fear at what happen, or what could have happened. Does....he really not care about me? Jinki.....

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