As he approached me, he had his bright blue eyes looking in my direction. His light brown, spiked hair barely moved in the wind that blew through the air. Today he was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a tight black shirt that made his abs stand out. We would occasionally talk, more that he was at the same bus stop as me but we were far from close friends. He hung out with the popular girls who were fake and stuck up. Despite my appearance of cliche beautiful blonde hair and bright blue eyes, I refused to join in with those shallow girls, even when they tried to persuade me in being friends with them. If I could change my appearance, for that reason, I would. My mom won't let me, saying that natural is a good thing.

             Those girls were nothing like me. I was always shy and only talked to the few friends that I had. I had good grades and never partied, where they got bad grades and always partied and drank. I was nothing like them, besides my looks. I cared for others, where they would stab each other in the back to get a cute guy or to get revenge for wearing the same shirt as one another.

           "Good morning." I spoke once he reached the end of the street.

            "How are you?" He asked with a cute smile appeared on his face, showing off his pearl white teeth.

           "I'm good. Nice weather we're having here." I said, mentally wanting to punch myself in the face.

            How could I even say that? Good one, Kelly, the weather is always a great conversation starter. I was so stupid, this was the pure reason I didn't talk to Ethan as often, despite being at the same bus stop. I'm weird when it comes to boys.

            "Yeah, it's super nice out. I think it's supposed to be nice all week." He chuckled, keeping my stupid conversation going.

              I was going to reply when our bus started to break, making a loud squeaking noise that I was shocked didn't wake up near by people who were sleeping. The big yellow dead trap pulled to a stop in front of us. The doors made a swishing sound as they opened. I climbed the three bus stairs and headed for my seat, thankful that Ethan didn't push my horrible weather conversation. We had assigned seats, yeah I know, giving high school students assign seats is stupid. I sat down, knowing Ethan was going to sit right behind me.

              It was about a five to ten minute ride on the bus and I always hated it. I couldn't wait until I could drive and never have to ride the bus again. The people on there were so annoying and loud at seven in the morning. We were at the last bus stop when the bus made a whooshing sound. The bus stopped and wouldn't move, causing me to frown. This was why I hated the bus. It freaking broke down, again. I stood up from my seat and so did everyone else and the bus driver stood up and told us to wait here while she looked under the hood.

               I knew what was going to happen. She would "look" under the hood and pretended she knew what she was doing, then come back and call for another bus to come get us. I was right, that's just what happened. We would have to wait ten minutes for another bus to get us. At least I would be late for science class. I sat back in the leather seat and waited for the next bus. I decided to daydream because I had nothing better to do.

                I was in the warm Florida air, enjoying my time on a beach. The warm sun was beating down on me, and the cool ocean water, splashed against my feet as I sat on the edge of the water. I remembered when I went to Florida; I was literally on the beach the whole time, enjoying the sun. I hated the ocean though, which was ironic since people usually go to the beach for the ocean. It was beautiful, but I never got in it, unless you count my feet. There were sharks and fish that could kill me in the ocean. Seeing all the waves wash up onto the beach was truly beautiful. I loved how the sun reflected off the ocean and how I never wanted to leave my paradise.

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