TLF Chapter 28

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Total jogged out of the den barely withholding laughter.

"What's so funny?" Max said stacking her dishes on the counter by the sink.

Total jumped onto the chair beside Angel, who put some bacon and eggs on a smaller plate, just for him.

"I feel so sorry for your boys..." He laughed and shook his head, "Your mom just gave them THE talk."


Angel laughed and Total shook his head.

"Angel, why don't you and David go and get the mail?" Dr. Martinez stepped into the room smiling calmly.

"Okay, come on, Dave, I'll show you how to do a roundhouse kick," She winked at Max as they walked outside.

"Max, would you Ella and Nudge come into the den for a minute, please."

"Oh! I have GOT to hear this!" And Total scampered ahead of them.

Just as they disappeared into the den Gasman crept back into the kitchen and piled a napkin full of bacon then started toward the steps. Just as he passed he heard Nudge shriek;

"OH, MY GOD! EW-EW-EW! That is SO gross! I mean EW!"

Total literally barked with laughter.

Gazzy wondered why Nudge was saying 'EW', if ANYTHING was disgusting it was that terrible thing that happened to girls every month.

He shuddered and ran up the steps chewing on his bacon.

"ELLA! ELLA, YOU GOT A LETTER!" Angel squealed excitedly and rushed into the den waving the envelope about an hour later.

Ella disentangled herself from Iggy, who had a red cheeked drunken grin on his face. She sat up, still straddling him and took the letter from Angel.

Angel cocked her head to the side and probed Iggy's mind then scowled and shook her head, "If Max knew you were thinking things like that she'd kick your behind!"

Iggy nodded, "I'll give you a quarter if you swear not to tell."

"Show me the quarter," Angel cocked a hand on her hip and tapped her foot impatiently.

Iggy sighed, "There's one in my desk drawer you can have it if you swear not to tell Max."

"I want one quarter a day or I spill."

"Can you believe this?" Iggy grumbled up at Ella who wasn't paying a bit of attention, then sighed and flung his arm over his eyes. "Fine, but weekends are only five cents."


Ella suddenly screamed happily and jumped over the back of the couch running upstairs, "OH, MY GOD! WE GOT INVITED TO LYNN-DEE'S HALLOWEEN PARTY!"

.-''-. .-''-. .-''-. .-''-. .-''-. .-''-. .-''-. .-''-..-''-. .-''-. .-''-. .-''-.

 I know you, Iggy, Fang and Max all have more in common than you've let on."

Aaron dropped himself across the folding bed he'd been sleeping on for the past week and threw his arm over his face. He cleared his throat to loosen the muscles and took off his glasses, staring at them for a moment before dropping them unceremoniously to the floor.

He heard the little clicks of Total's feet in the hall and raised his head to watch the little black talking dog poke his head into the room.

He lowered his head and stared at Aaron silently for a moment then spoke under his breath;

"When are you going to tell them?"

Aaron stiffened, "What are you on about?" He whispered in a very small, child's voice.

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