TLF Chapter 26.

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I want to thank you to all that comment and vote on my story.

I promise to have at least 1 chapter up per week, if not 2.

----Sylvia :D


"Just hold still a minute, Iggy!"

He was bouncing in his seat lip between his teeth. "I'm trying, but what if it worked? What if I can see?"

Dr. Martinez smiled and continued to carefully snip at the bandages. "It has only been three days, and even with your healing abilities it might take longer, so don't be disappointed if nothing has changed, OK?"

"Okay..." But he kept bouncing, his fingers curling and uncurling.

It was a tense moment as the last bandage fell away...

He wished they were back from school ... He wished SHE were back from school. He wanted her face to be the first thing he saw. And he would risk having his butt kicked into next year as long as he got to see her, to hold her face between his hands and stare into her eyes...

He wanted to see her eyes...

That is, if she still liked him...

What if she'd found someone else in the weeks since the 'incident'. What if walking in on him standing there in the bathroom naked had been a one-time affair? What if she didn't want him anymore?

"Well, are you going to open your eyes or not?" Aaron said impatiently.

"What time is it?"

"Its half-past three, Gazzy should be home any minute."

"Come on, open your eyes, I can't take the suspense!" Aaron whined beside him.

Iggy shook his head, suddenly afraid to open his eyes and see ... If he could see...

"Take me outside, I want to be outside..."

Aaron mumbled something under his breath and patted his own shoulder so Iggy could hear where he was. "Come on then, bloody hell, you've gotten me so worked up I'm about to snap!"

He could feel the warm September air on his cheeks and smell it, the beginnings of that cool, earthy autumn smell...

He heard the bus slow and stop, heard David shrieking happily as he ran up the driveway shaking a paper, "I got a 100!"

He heard Gasman shouting, "I LOVE FRIDAYS!"

And he heard her feet on the gravel. That soft, hesitant sound ... He heard Max laughing at something she said and he heard Fang walk up the steps silently and disappear inside.

Angel laughed and called for Total...

He opened his eyes and...

His knees shook violently and his mouth was dry.

Everything was dark in his left eye, still blind and useless...

Color... Dazzling blue smeared with yellow and red. Indistinct shapes, one yellow tipped and dark in the middle, one dark with a splash of bright pink across the middle, and a slightly lighter blob in green...

BIG! The world was so big!

He whimpered and turned, running back into the house hands out before him. He didn't know where he was, everything was alien, strange and harshly bright.

He hit the steps and fell scrambling up on his hands and knees his breath catching in his throat. His mind felt torn, two frighteningly different senses suddenly existed where there had only been one. It was hard to comprehend that he was seeing the things that he'd only been able to identify by touch days before...

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