After Hours Afterparty

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The common room was packed. Everyone had filed in after the match, holding McKinnon aloft and cheering. The Marauders disappeared temporarily and, soon enough, had returned with tons of butterbeer and sweets from Honeydukes. Someone set off a few fireworks that danced around the room for half an hour at a time.

"And then... and then," gasped Lily, "he turned around...and there was frogspawn aaaaalll over his backside, and slugs were coming out his ears!" She and Mariah cackled loudly, spilling their butterbeer on the couch.

"This other night--ow!" She broke off as Sirius dropped into the seat next to her, leaning agains the armrest and draping his legs across Mariah's lap.

"Make way, commoners, for I have arrived," he said. Mariah pushed his legs off with a roll of her eyes, turning back to Lily.

"Anyway, the way he kisses... I swear it's like I have butterflies in my veins all over..."

"Who you talking about?" asked Sirius. Mariah glanced at him.

"My boyfriend," she said pointedly. Sirius nodded slowly.

"Ah, I was wondering, because you know that could have been either one of us."

"Oh, Sirius, come on, it's a party. Stop trying to pick a fight," said Lily, waving him off.

"No, no, I'm truly interested," he looked at Mariah. "So he snogs as well as you imagined, does he?"

"Better than you," said Mariah, feeling mean.

"Oh yeah?" Sirius draped one arm over the back of the couch behind her. "Well, maybe your memory's a little off. Let me help you with that." He leaned in, but Mariah lifted the butterbeer in time that his lips met the bottle.

"Give it a rest," she said, turning back to Lily. "Don't you think it's weird he only does this when he's drunk?"

"I'm not drunk," said Sirius, looking offended.

"You're such a liar," muttered Mariah, grabbing at a chocolate frog leaping across the back of the couch. It hopped out of reach, but James caught it handily and tossed it back to her as he settled himself on the armrest, putting an arm around Lily.

"Not all at once, but who's the best Quidditch captain in the history of the world?" he asked with a smirk.

"Would that be you?" suggested Lily.

"You know, it would," said James, leaning down to kiss her. The kiss lengthened and James turned slowly, stepping over Lily and moving slowly towards where Mariah sat. The girl moved quickly as James dropped to the couch, but soon realized she'd scrambled right into Sirius's lap. He flashed her a grin.

"You couldn't stay away, could you? See this face, it's like a magnet." He swooped in on Mariah's face, but she turned to the side at the last moment so he kissed her cheek instead. "Oy, come on, what's your problem?" said Sirius angrily, pulling back.

"I've got a boyfriend, Sirius!"

"He's not here though, is he? It's a party, Mariah, enjoy yourself," said Sirius, rolling his eyes. Mariah hesitated, but pressed on.

"I can't enjoy myself if you're forcing your tongue down my throat," she said.

"Look at this face," Sirius gave her a dashing smirk, "now tell me you don't want to eat that up."

"No... not really..." mumbled Mariah. Not quite not really. Sirius dropped the look.

"Maybe you need a little more encouragement," he said, pushing her bottle towards her mouth. Mariah pushed it away, struggling to get out of his lap.

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