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It was after midnight when Mariah finally chanced a venture out of her dormitory. She hadn't been certain that Corvenia Parsett was asleep until her croaking snores filled the room.

The common room was empty, as it usually was so late at night, but Mariah made sure to check the couches for any sleeping students before pushing quietly out of the portrait hole. The Fat Lady snored in her frame, undisturbed.

The castle was always soothing at night, despite the threat of being caught out after hours. The dark hallways and gaping windows open to the starlit skies gave Mariah a sense of peace and security, and it was at these moments that she felt how much she truly loved the old school.

The Astronomy Tower was rarely monitored by Filch or his ill-groomed cat, and Mariah had mapped out a relatively safe path that led her through several secret shortcuts that the caretaker never frequented. She reached the stairs without a hitch and quickly ascended, planting her feet firmly so as to not make a sound. The top of the tower came into view, and she slowed her steps, emerging out onto the landing. The wide balcony stretched before her, flanked by stone gargoyles, and the stars stretched out across the sky overhead. Mariah walked to the balcony and leaned against it, sighing.

"Evening," said a voice suddenly. Mariah yelped, jumping and whirling around. Kurt Lovell stood there, leaning against the tower wall, looking at her. Mariah slumped against the balcony for a second, her heart racing, struggling for words.

"What... what are you doing here?" she demanded.

Kurt blinked. "I couldn't sleep," he said simply.

Mariah arched her eyebrows. "Couldn't sleep?" she repeated incredulously.

He shrugged. "Well, why are you here?" he asked.

Mariah opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again, not sure of what to say. "I... well, I..." She sighed and leaned her elbows on the balcony once more, exasperated. "I couldn't sleep either."

Kurt walked over and leaned on the balcony next to her, pulling a bottle out of his robes. "Firewhiskey?" he said lightly, offering her the bottle.

She glanced at it, and then up at him. "...Yeah sure," she said after a moment, taking the bottle and tipping it back.

Kurt looked up at the sky. "Mars is bright tonight," he noted.

"I flunked Astronomy," said Mariah, lowering the bottle and looking at him.

"It's a sign of conflict," Kurt explained.

"Probably all of the attacks," said Mariah, taking another drink.

"Probably," agreed Kurt. He looked at her. "Has anyone you know been attacked?"

Mariah furrowed her brow. "No... not yet, thankfully," she said. Kurt let out his breath, shaking his head. Mariah hesitated. "If you don't mind me asking, where do you stand on all of this?"

"All what?" asked Kurt.

"Well the Death Eaters and Voldemort... are you a supporter?" said Mariah.

"I haven't decided yet," said Kurt lightly, looking back at the stars.

Mariah bit her lip. "Oh."

"What? Can't I be undecided?" said Kurt, glancing back at her. "Being pureblood doesn't bind you to a set of values you know."

"Yeah, I know, it's just, well..." Mariah cast around for the right words. "You're in Slytherin."


"So..." Mariah drifted off.

Kurt shook his head. "You shouldn't listen to rumors," he said. "I don't judge you by your affinity for dancing sculptures."

She rolled her eyes. "Augh, for the love of Christ, I wasn't teaching them to dance," she groaned.

Kurt smirked at her. "Then what were you doing?"

"I was trying to get them to break open the wall!" exclaimed Mariah.

Kurt raised his eyebrows. "Why the hell were you trying to do that?" he asked.

Mariah shrugged dramatically. "Well there was a passage there, I am certain of it, but when I went back, it wasn't there. And once it disappeared right in front of me, and I'd accidentally dropped my History of Magic textbook inside just before it vanished, so I charmed a few gargoyles to break open the wall for me, only I botched the spell."

"I see," said Kurt, pressing his lips together.

Mariah stared at him. "It's not funny!" she said finally.

"I'm not laughing," said Kurt, struggling to keep his face straight.

Mariah punched him and he snickered.

"Whossat!?" came an angry snarl, and both Mariah and Kurt froze.


"I know you're there, you brats... oh, you're in for it now." He sounded eager. Not a good sign.

"No!" hissed Kurt, grabbing Mariah's arm as she moved to rush back into the tower. He led her to the side and picked up a Cleansweep, throwing one leg over it. "Come on!"

Mariah mounted the broomstick just as Filch's shadow rose along the inner walls of the tower. Kurt kicked off and they rose quickly into the sky just as Mrs. Norris rounded the corner, her lamplike eyes boring into their backs as they took off around the edge of the tower and out of sight.

"That was close," breathed Kurt, slowing their speed. He glanced down at the arms clamped tight across his middle. "...Comfy?"

"I... don't... fly," said Mariah haltingly.

Kurt laughed. "Here, I'll get you back to Gryffindor Tower," he said, dipping the front of the broom and shooting downwards in a motion that caused Mariah to press her forehead to his back, eyes shut tight.

A few moments later, they had stopped next to a window. Kurt pulled out his wand and unlocked it, pushing it inwards. He glanced back at Mariah, who had not budged from her backpacklike position.

"You're going to have to let go to get in," he said.

Mariah replied with something unintelligible. Kurt reached down and unfastened her arms from around his waist, holding her forearm tightly and leaning the broom into the building. Mariah plucked up enough courage to open one eye so that she could place her foot on the sill. She dismounted the broom and dropped into the common room, feeling her anxiety leave her in a rush of relief of having two feet on solid ground again.

"See you later, then," said Kurt, squeezing her wrist once.

"Yeah," said Mariah, releasing his grip. The boy dropped like a stone, but spurred on his broom before it reached the level of the lower towers and sped off into the dark.

The portrait hole began to swing open suddenly, and Mariah whirled around, her hands behind her back. In stepped James, Sirius, and Geoff, all looking exceptionally frustrated and tired. Sirius glanced at her as they trudged towards the boys staircase.

"What are you still doing up?" he asked, frowning.

"Oh... waiting for you all," said Mariah after a moment. "Glad to see you got back alright. Late, isn't it?"

"Yeah," said Sirius, still looking suspicious. He stared for a moment. "You have firewhiskey?"

"What--" Mariah looked down. She was still holding the bottle tightly in one hand. "Oh... yeah," she said, for lack of anything better to say.

Sirius regarded her for a minute before shrugging. "Wouldn't kill you to share, you alky," he muttered, turning towards the staircase. "Right... night, then, Mariah."

"Night," said Mariah, watching them ascend the staircase. She quickly closed the window and retreated back up to her dormitory, slipping quietly back to bed. Sleep was far more difficult, awake as her mind was buzzing with thoughts of her encounter.

Bedknobs and Broomsticks [HP fanfic; BNB Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now