En Passant

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News of Slughorn's party spread fast through the school, and soon members of the Slug Club found themselves being eyed by nonmembers hoping for an invitation. Secret admirer notes were a commonality, and it was always after the first Slughorn event that the year's first wave of relationships began. After all, there was no fancier event throughout the year than Slughorn's parties, and students found them to be ideally romantic.

"So you're taking James," said Mariah conversationally, eager for a distraction from the as-of-yet unmarked, footlong parchment scroll in front of her.

Lily nodded, starting her third paragraph. "Yes... he got down on one knee and asked me to take him," she said, quirking the corner of her mouth in a half-smile. "In the middle of Astronomy."

"Ooh, gallant," grinned Mariah.

"Shh!" came the stern hiss of Madam Pince. "This is not social hour! This is a library!"

The girls turned back to their papers, trying to look busy. Once the librarian had passed, they resumed their conversation.

"Is Sirius sore again for not going?" asked Mariah. "After last year when he found out he missed that famous Beater..."

"No, he hasn't said a word about it this year," said Lily, furrowing her brow. "That is strange, last year it was all he could talk about. Trying to charm Gwenog like he did..."

"That's it, ladies, out!" barked Madam Pince, striding over with her wand raised.

Lily and Mariah bolted, grabbing their things before the angry librarian could jinx them.

"Rotten old buzzard..." grumbled Lily as they made their way back to the common room. "You'd think we were setting the books on fire or something."

"Is Snape going with anyone?" asked Mariah.

Lily's lips thinned. "How should I know? We don't get on anymore," she said shortly.

Mariah shrugged. "Lily..." she said tentatively, "do you think it's alright for...well for Gryffindors and Slytherins to hang out?"

"What?" asked Lily. "Billywig," she added to the Fat Lady, who swung open promptly.

"What I mean is... well, you and Snape got on for your whole lives right up until..." She paused. "Well, present circumstances."

"So?" asked Lily, confused.

"See there's this guy--"

"What guy?" came a gruff voice from the nearest armchairs, making both Lily and Mariah jump and whirl around to see Sirius and Remus sitting there, halfway through a game of chess.

"Do you ever go to class!?" shouted Mariah.

"I'm in class," he said defensively. "Chess class." He made a move. "So what guy?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I have never seen you with a guy," said Sirius, cursing as Remus, looking bored, moved a white player that immediately smashed Sirius's knight to bits.

"I hang around with you, don't I?" frowned Mariah.

"As of last year, somewhat, yes, but that's different; we are not currently snogging."

"Well what about Lily? She hangs around with you lot, too" said Mariah.

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "She and James are currently snogging," he said pointedly. "But go on, who is the lucky bastard? I was beginning to worry about you."

"No one," said Mariah, rolling her eyes.

"Doesn't sound like no one."

"Well I'm not telling you!" exclaimed Mariah.

"Fine, don't tell me who it is," said Sirius, moving a piece haughtily. Remus promptly took it. Mariah sighed at his silent treatment and looked back to Lily, who shrugged.

"So when did you meet him?" she asked.

"After hours when I fell asleep in the library. I was headed back and Filch almost cornered me, but he pulled me behind a tapestry just in time."

"My kind of man!" barked Sirius, moving his bishop. Remus took it with his queen.

"Sirius, if you're not even going to try, I don't see much point in this," he said.

"Have you seen him since?" asked Lily.

"Yeah the other night," said Mariah. "I accidentally took his firewhiskey. Filch almost caught us and he flew me back from the Astronomy Tower."

"Hold up, you're not planning on snogging this guy, are you?" asked Sirius, leaning over the back of the armchair as Remus took his king with a pawn, much to the excitement of the white players.

"Why do you think that any guy I am involved with is snogging me?" asked Mariah in exasperation. "We're just friends! Acquaintances, even!"

"You're too excited to be acquaintances!"

"So he's... not in Gryffindor," said Lily, nodding in understanding. "I see..."

"What? What do you see? What does she see?" he glanced back at Remus, who shrugged dramatically. "What house is he in then?"

"What were you doing in the Astronomy Tower?" asked Lily, frowning. "You're not even in Astronomy."

"I don't know, I couldn't sleep, I walk around the castle when I can't sleep," said Mariah.

"Hey, don't change the subject!" interrupted Sirius. "What do you see?"

"Where's James?" asked Mariah, looking at Remus.

"Quidditch practice, for the Ravenclaw game this weekend," said Remus. "Not supposed to end until dinner."

"No, Remus, don't play their game! They want us to forget our mission!" protested Sirius.

"Oh," said Lily. "Well, Mariah, we should probably go upstairs to finish our essays. It doesn't look like we'll get much peace down here."

"Yeah, alright," said Mariah, following the redhead towards the dormitories.

"Hey, Mariah," said Sirius. Mariah turned around. "If you ever need a lesson in snogging, you'll never get a better teacher than your's truly." He grinned wolfishly. Mariah paused.

"Yeah, see you later," she said abruptly, hurrying after her friend.

"Fine! Run! See if I care! Moony, another round!" said Sirius loudly.

"Sirius, you're just going to lose--"

"Nope, this bitch is mine, let's go!"

Remus sighed and waved his wand to repair Sirius's chess pieces before setting them back up and giving them encouraging looks for the next game.

Bedknobs and Broomsticks [HP fanfic; BNB Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now