chapper 17

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susi began 2 stutta ," ashy! get out" susi was a bit jelus. "shutup susi i was just playing soccur"edwa was spechles he didnt know what to do. he just sat there. suddenly ashy's heros emerged from a car that pulled up. out came the magcon bois!!!!!!! ashy loves the magcon. her favurite is nash greer. ashy thinks that nash greer has so much talent!!! 

"omg nash u savud me!" said ashy. nash smilud "awwe thats cute but shave ur arm hairz" 

"anything 4 u na$h" ashy was so distracted that edwa and susi rannn awayayay. 

*away from ashy* 

"that was close!" susi said exzausted. "yeah" edwa replied. 

*silence.....................* the silence was really awkward. edwa luv susi. and susi loves edwa. 

they sat thare liturully 4 liek 10 minutes staring at each other when smectoria and smechaela came freom the corner. 

"edwa. susi yall wanna go to da peppa pig live show'' edwa and susi snapped from the love momnet. "yeah!!!" susi told them. 

*next day at da concert* 

then squw got in the car and drove to the peppa pig show. every one had on their merch. gud merch!!! they went iinside the venue. the stage was lit and out came the queen peppa. 

"yess queen" peppa fans yelled. queen mommi peppa danced and put on a show for every1. it was lit as ducks. it reminded the squaw of when they went to see snop doog. "we wish cud turn back tiem" said edwa. onthe way home the squaw stoppd at red lobsta. but then they realized they were broke adn went to mcdonalds. they only had $10 left bc they bought so much merch!! everybody had to buy from the $ menu but thats ok.

the squaw was all eating chickun nuggats when susi noticed sumthing. the cashier kept flirting with her edwa. edwa probably didnt evan noticed but susi was annoyed. susi went up to the cashier. "how may i help you?" said the cashier. 

"you need to take your burger flippin order takin fry frying hands off my bby ed" the cashier wus mad. "excuse sme" said the cashier lady. "you excused sweaty" said susi and she walked off. the cashier was silent

everybody was silent and susi just:

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everybody was silent and susi just:


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a/n ok susi literally snatched that cashier's edges

edwa & susi Where stories live. Discover now