chapper 8

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edwa woke up to see susi lukin ded at edwa. "susi what the duck" edwa groned as he wok up. "edwa you want cereal, daddy" susi grinned at edwa. "no wat tha ducks don't call me daddy susi no" susi den left and locked da doors.

edwa did his morning prayers. "gawd please don't let susi use me" edwa knew dat if he prayed he would be seved. susi came back with some cereal. "edwa edwa edwa I got cinaman tost cronch" susi gav edwa tha bowl of cereal and edwa took a bite. "mmm susi dis yummy" said edwa. edwa suddanl passed out. the girl dat was supposed to be susi tok off her mask and it was


" i got jew now edwa" ashy broke the basement window and climbed out with edwa. Susi came running back. "EDWA I GOT DA ORANGE-    edwa?" susi saw dat da window was brokun. "EDWA NO EDWA" susi cryd.

ashy was takun edwa to her home. edwa woke up and realized tht he wasn't in susi's basement anymre. "thank god im not- ashy wyd h3re" edwa asked. " i realized i huv feeling 4 u edwa, i want you back edwa" ashy pleaded. "ummm" edwa thot. <----- aka what ashy is fake lil self

is ashy worth it...?

edwa & susi Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora