Chapper 6

39 4 0

edwa wus rilly frightened by $u$i and her crepy van but he new gawd wuld be proud he wus goin to church. edwa wus scard as $u$i pased the cherch and assked her were she wus goin. she sed u r coming to live wif me edwa......5ever. edwa wus scard he cud handle 4ever but 5ever is 2 much. she puled in2 Her garge and told edwa to stay ther. he tryd getting out but cud not. she came and got him and she startd sayin you lookn gud edwa. edwa was terrifyed. he just wantd to gu to church!! he started praying to god  to save him. he was scared. very scared. :(

short chappers bc we in skool rn.

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