chapper 9

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"ummmm" edwa thot. "pls let me go" ed said.

ashy thot for a moment (funnybc she is a thot). "ok edwa ill let u go"

edwa wuz so happy. gawd answered him. " thnx god u da real mvp" edwa walked himself home. he imediatly went to call his friend ravi. "ravi wyd" edwa called

"nm just chillin with bertram and jessie." edwa is happy for ravi. ravi is livin da dreem with his nanni jessie. edwa was tired so he went to sleep he is happi to be in his warm bed agin.

next morning

edwa woke up refreshed. he get to see him friends smichaela and smectoria again. "EDWAAA" the girls said as they reunited wit there best frend edwa. edwa missed his tru friends. he hopd he don't see susi or ashy today. SPEEK OF THA DEEVIL. here comes ashy with her new boyfriend pasty. as ashy upside lightbulb pear looking self walked by she gave edwa a smirk and smetoria and smechaela a dirty look. " hold up lemme fight a-" smichaela started. "chill fam" edwa calmed smechaela down. "she is a trash can" said smectoria.the group laffed in agreement. daw groop went to cla$$ and learnd abut tha circle of lyfe.

" we all die, you either killurself or get kllled, whatcha gon do.. whatcha gon do" the teacher tld the class. the classs nodded in aggeementz and class ended.

it wuz tiem for lunch and edwa was hungry. edwa got the pizza that looking greasier than riff raff the bus drivers hair but he disregardeded it. b4 edwa took a byte pasty came strollin round da corner. "HEY EDWA GIMME DA PIZZA" pasty thretnd. "lemme sme say in spanish for" pasty waz mad. he reached for edwas slice. "YOU BETTER STAHP STAHP BEACH STAHPPPP" edwa yelled. den a teacher came and brok up da fight and pasty (powdered donut lookin self) got detention. edwa felt gud.

edwa & susi Where stories live. Discover now