Chapter Twenty Four

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Pandora opened her eyes, blinded by sudden light.
"What the hell-"
"Ooh! Watch your mouth, Miss Holmes. You're like your father, aren't you? Spewing out naughty words? But I suppose you got it more from Johnny-boy."
The voice was smooth, it reminded Pandora of her father, but there was something else about the voice. It seemed almost dangerous.
Before Pandora could open her mouth her phone started to ring, the song told her that it was Sherlock calling.
"Ignore it. Keep asking me questions." The man said.
"Who the hell are you?" Pandora asked, trying to stand up. She realized that she was bound to a chair, and even when she moved her head she was struck by a sudden dizziness.
"Do you like that feeling? It's a personal cocktail of mine, the dizziness. A drug, some alcohol, some funny powder that just makes people go woop!"
When he said that he faked fainting, then chuckled.
"It's so funny watching people think that it's just some harmless sleeping powder and then they die! How odd is that, Miss Holmes?"
The phone rang again, but Pandora ignored it again.
"Who are you?" Pandora cried.
"You must have hear of me, kitten. I'm the monster in your daddy's nightmares. He's so funny like that, isn't he? Nightmares about a person." He trailed off, and Pandora could tell he was smiling. "I owed him a fall, Sherlock Holmes. And he didn't even accept my offer. A bullet for a fall."
"Moriarty." Pandora whispered, horrified.
"Bing, bing, bing!"
"Why aren't you dead? Who are you?" Pandora asked, pulling at her constraints. She needed to get out. She needed to get to her father, to hide, hell, to get out of England. If only she could reach her phone. It was ringing again, and when it stopped, Pandora could see that she had twenty four missed calls and nineteen voicemails. And all those texts.
"Who are you!" Pandora shouted again, tears in her eyes. "Don't fall asleep, Thora." She muttered to herself. A nap sounded nice.
"I'm the king, honey."

{A/N: I lied. Second update today! Maybe you'll get a third one this week? Who knows... Love y'all! xxAv}

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