Chapter Eighteen

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Although Pandora and Sherlock were having a nice time, the other half of the dinner party was not.
"Mary, stop screaming!"
"What do you mean?! I'm giving birth, I'm entitled to screaming!" Mary shouted, gripping her husband's hand.
"Your doctor says he's on his way, Mary just keep pushing." Molly said.
"We have to move her inside, come on!" Chrissie should, helping John and Molly lift her out of the car.
Mary screamed and swore as she tried to lay down in the bed while John filled the tub.
It was a long three hours before the baby popped out.
She was perfect. Lucy Sherly Watson did not have the refectory middle name, nor did she have a perfect family, but she was perfect.
Chrissie and Molly gave their goodbyes and good wishes as they left the new family alone together.
"She's beautiful." John whispered, kissing his wife's forehead.
"I know." Mary sighed. The new parents looked at each other, mesmerized by what they had just done.
"We can't start singing 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." Mary laughed.
"Lucy in the sky with diamonds! Lucy in-"
"I'm home!"
"Hello, William." Chrissie whispered, kissing her son's forehead.
"Hello, sweetheart." Greg said, toting Edmund on his arms. 
"Hello, darling." Chrissie said, kissing her husband.
"Nooooo!" William cried.
"No what, baby?" Chrissie giggled.
Chrissie and Greg laughed, hugging their sons. After they put them both to sleep, they sat down in the foyer, Greg on the couch, Chrissie on the armchair.
"How are the Watsons?" Greg asked, sipping on his wine.
"Lucy Sherlyl Watson. After Sherlock, if you would believe it." Chrissie laughed. "She's beautiful, Greg. Little tuft of blonde hair, the bluest eyes and she's just a princess."
Greg smiled at his wife. "Is she going to have godparents?"
"Sherlock and I, actually." Chrissie grinned.
"Well then, shes all good to go!" Greg laughed before pulling his wife onto the couch with them, and there they sat until they fell asleep.

{A/N: AHHHH LATE UPDATE SORRERY. I'm watching Star Trek: Into Darkness and ahhhhh I love it. (Guys, Ben's the bad guy hahah.) Good night guys, happy Christmas and have a perfect new year! xxAv}

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