Chapter Twelve

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"Wait- You mentioned Molly. Who's Molly? Can I meet Molly?" Pandora asked
"Um, no."
"Why not?"
"She's mad at me."
"Why?" Pandora asked, clearly enjoying asking questions.
"Before I went out, I was at the drug den for the case, and Molly was mad that I 'threw away the beautiful gifts I was born with. And betrayed the trust of my friends.' Well, I after I killed that man, I went to see her, and I accidentally killed her cat. It was an accident, I swear. It jumped on me and I instinctively-"
"You what?"
"I killed-"
"Who the hell did you kill?"
"Augh." Sherlock groaned tugging at his hair. "You weren't supposed to know about that either. That's something I prefer not to talk about."
"Who was it?"
"He was a terrible person. Magnussen. He had everyone's secrets in his head. Including secrets that could hurt Mary, John and the baby. He knew things that no one should know. And, then he threatened Chrissie and William and Lestrade. I had to get rid of him."
"You're a hero." Pandora awed.
"Not really. I just- Oh god, we're here."
Sherlock looked terrified. His phone chimed.
Just talked to Molly. She's still mad at you, but willing to talk to you. Wants to meet Padme, but be gentle. She's still hurting after the engagement ended. Did you know she broke it off? Sorry, we'll talk later. Love you. xxChrissie
"She what?" Sherlock muttered.
"Come on! I want to meet your girlfriend." Pandora chirped excitedly.
"She's not my girlfriend." Sherlock grumbled.
The two entered the morgue, and Pandora was overwhelmed by the smell of chemicals.
"There are dead people here, right?" Pandora asked.
From somewhere left of them, someone burst into tears.
"Be slightly more delicate." Sherlock whispered. "Come on, her workspace is just over here. I can't believe I'm doing this."

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