Chapter Two

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Pandora was lost. She went home and grabbed the things she'd need from her house (Her favorite books, some clothes, her cell phone and laptop, toothbrush. She'd go back and get the rest once she found a more permanent situation.)
'His name is Sherlock Holmes.' Kept running through her head.
Pandora knew his number, she had researched it on the laptop.
She also knew he would probably be busy, only yesterday did Jim Moriarty (like Sherlock) reveal he was not dead. Surely, he would be running around, busy.
Pandora decided to try anyway.
Slowly, Pandora made her way to 221B.
Knocking on the door, Pandora waited, terrified. 
"Hello, dear. Are you here for John and Sherlock?" An elderly woman asked, opening the door.
Pandora nodded.
"Come in. I'll turn the kettle on, darling." The woman said. "I'm Mrs. Hudson. What's your name?"
"Er, I'm Pandora."
"Hello, Pandora. They boys are out, but John doesn't live here anymore. He's married and they're gonna have a daughter soon." Mrs. Hudson rambled. Pandora liked her. She was kind, and would help out.
"MRS. HUDSON!" A voice yelled.
"Up here, dear!"
Up stormed two pairs of feet.
"John! You're here! How's Mary?"
"She's good. Asleep." The shorter man, John said.
"Are you a client?" Sherlock said, turning to Pandora.
"Yes. I'm Pandora Ahlström."
Sherlock looked Pandora in the eye.

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