~Chapter 10: Dreams~

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Dedication goes to @Writer_of_1D because OMH.HER.RANT.WAS.AWESOOOOME. YEAAAAH OMH LIKE WHO DOESN'T LIKE BACONS? xD Okay on to the chapter....

Nico's POV

Dreams. It was what they were. The ones that had almost killed me. I haven't been getting them since our victorious return; but had the worst during... that period of time. Right here and right now, I am having them.

I was in a secluded room with lots of box crates and a free empty space in the middle. It was pretty dim, but a single flickering light bulb in the middle. I was hidden in a stock of crates. I see the silhouettes of two men, one half a size of a giant, and one sized like an average man. I couldn't particularly see their faces, it was too dim. Although I see a girl in the middle, below the light. That face looked so familiar. I almost cried when I realized who she was.


My sister. They were doing something to her. Torture. I hear some hissing and growling as someone spoke.

"You foolissssh bratsss!" he hissed and growled, "I want her right here, right now! She is the main source of my reborn!"

"But master," a deep voice spoke. It startled me. I knew this voice. "Many are protecting her. You cannot get to her so easily."

"I knew that, you ignorant! You sssshall bring her to me oncccce our plan hassss worked."

"What plan must that be, master?" A slightly higher voice said.

"We have you as the plan A," I imagined him smiling evily, "And then we have her as a plan B. But I know you aren't going to sssssucceed, ssssso I planned this from the beginning."

I felt kind of bad for the dude. Stop it Nico, you do not feel bad for the people torturing your dead sister. Dude c'mon, who does that?

"Yes, master." he obeys.

"Now, daughter of Hadessss. Are you going to obey me or not?" What were they ordering her to do?

Bianca didn't respond. I shuffled a bit to take a better look. I bit my lower lip to refrain from crying. I can't scream. I can't breathe. I was going to die. I can't bare looking at her. There was a pool of blood around her chair, she looked ghostly white. It tortures me knowing the fact that I can't save her. I forced myself to listen more.

"ANSWER ME, YOU FILTHY GREEK!" My eyes widened. Could it be a Roman?

I still couldn't see the face of the torturers. My vision has blurred a bit because of the tears that were covering my eyes. I see the smaller man slap Bianca across her face. It didn't go through. What the Hades? It should've went through, unless... No. It can't be possible. The doors have been closed. No ghost or spirit would be on this earth right now. But it's all happening in front of me. I'm seriously confuzzled right now.

Bianca glanced at my direction. I flinched. Her eyes widen. My vision started reforming, as if sucking me to another dimension. The last of that dream was Bianca reaching to me, her mouth forming my name. I screamed back her name - nothing came out. My dream shifted.

I was now in a more familiar place. Olympus. I see not only the Olympians, I also see the minor ones. They were arguing over something. It was mostly Olympians vs. Minors but some minor gods have sided with the Olympians, but no Olympian sided to the other side. I tried to catch a few sentences.

"But the girl! She is too powerful for our liking!" One of the minor gods - Nemesis, I think shouted. The others nodded in agreement. But the Olympians fought back.

"She's like that for a reason! We don't just give blessings to random demigods!" I hear my father say.

"But we still don't like her! You could've chosen one of our children, but nooo Olympian children are always special." Nemesis fought back. That angered the Olympians more.

"It is not we who choose, you nitwit!" Athena spat. "It is the Fates who decide our faith!"

Nemesis looked appalled by her remark. Momus interfeered. "I blame it on Poseidon! That sea scum always had loved that woman. I also blame that mortal! We should've killed her in the beginning for having an affliation with him twice! Twice! I blame the F-"

Hebe from Team Olympian cut in, "Oh give me a break Momus! Stop blaming everyone! He was destined to!"

They went on for rounds and rounds of arguments. I guess Nemesis wanted balanced and she feels like it was unfair for minor gods to be always neglected and mistreated. As much as I love to eavesdrop more, I need to wake up to be able to warn Bea, Percy and the others. I need to warn them about the war that was brewing. I need to...

I tried to run away, as if finding for an exit. I tried every way possible waking myself up in reality. I tried pinching myself, punching, kicking, hair-pulling - no prevail. I kept whispering to myself "Wake up, Nico. Wake up."

I ran and ran but as I paused and turned my back for a second, I felt something on my shoulder. I gasped and my eyes widened. A deep misty voice asked me.

"Where do you think you're going, Hades scum?"

The last I saw where large, yellowish, moldy teeth before my world turned black.


A/N: DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN. DRAMAAAAAA :3 Muhahahaha sorry Kali, I decided to delay the fluff c: Sorry if this chapter's short :P I am having exams this week and haven't been writing lately :) I'll try my best to update more (let's say, once every 2 weeks?) eeeeeh :D OHGAWSH GUYS WRITER'S BLOCK... PLEASE HELP! Please give me ideas for the next chapters and I might be able to update a little faster ^_^ Oh and for the extra characters will be included once I can get them to fit *_* Okay soooo.... KEEP CALM AND READ MY STORAY! NANANANANANANA BAAAAAAAAAI ^~^

*Please comment "Potatomato" to get a dedication! First commenter gets it :]

*Oh and for Potterheads out there, please read my One-Shot book! It's called Harry Potter One-Shots. I do ship requests :)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned here except Bea c:

~Bea :3

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