~Chapter 8: Cliché School Drama~

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Dedication to @Calypso_17 because she's just that Freaking AWESOME :3

~Chapter 8: Cliché School Drama~

Brix's POV

I jogged down the stairs, hoping Bea would jog with me today. It was really early, 5:00, to be exact. You see, when we went to school, we have the tradition to jog early in the morning. However, Ches did not, considering she was mildly a heavy-sleeper.

"Oh thank gods, I thought you forgot the tradition," Bea said.

"Well I didn't," I said, sticking my tongue at her. She did the same. I noticed her blue highlights. But then, something was missing.

"Where's your necklace?" I asked.

"Uhm, in my charm bracelet," she answered cheekily.

"Oh, okay."

"Got your iPod ready?"


"Okay, let's go!"

I wore a simple green shirt and white jogging pants. My iPod was on my pocket and an earphone was plugged to my left ear. Before the music started, I looked over at Bea. She wore a purple tank top and gray jogging pants. Her long hair put up on a tight ponytail. She had also one earphone but on her right ear.

We jogged around the whole neighborhood, where we met a lot of joggers, too. I also noticed that among the houses we've encountered, ours was the grandest but one was almost, ALMOST, as grand. We returned at the beautiful house 30 minutes later. When we stopped at the front, I took a big breath and admired its amazing architecture. I mean like, WOW. Mom must have designed this (well probably together with Poseidon) because it was breath-taking. The white pillars stood tall as it was surrounded elegant white fences. You can just see that the house has great stability. My thoughts were disrupted by Bea,

"Dude. Stop zoning out, it's freaky."

I rolled my eyes and we went inside. We looked around but nobody else was there, maybe because it was 6:00 in the morning and school started at 8:00.

"You. Take a shower, tell everyone that school starts at 8 and should be perfectly ready 30 minutes before. We still have to get our timetables and map," Bea instructed as she started walking upstairs, "I'm taking a shower, too.Because I already took a bath before this."

I took the elevator whilst she took the stairs. I pressed 3 and a song played. I hummed to its lyrics until it stopped. I walked out nonchalantly, only to meet Nico. I inwardly groaned. I mean, it's not that I don't like him, it's just that since the day I met Bea, I felt obliged to take care of her, acting as her protector. Now that she has Nico, I feel like she left me out, although I know she'd never do that to anyone. Her fatal flaw's the same with Percy. Loyalty.

"Morning," I muttered.

"Uhm hey," he said.

He then took the elevator as I head to my room. I stopped at a gray door with an owl and olive. I turned to the golden knob and went inside. I still couldn't believe that I live here. This place was extraordinary. I've went to the other rooms and they were just like this one, a few changes and colors were the only differences. A huge plasma TV, a mini-bookshelf, a drawer, a cool lava lamp, and a bunch of other awesome stuff. I MEAN, I HAVE TWO LIGHTSABERS, that is totally awesome. I went inside my bathroom and took a shower. After my shower, I went in my walk-in closet but you know what I found? CLOTHES THAT ARE SO NOT MY TYPE, but it looks cool though. I decide to wear a lime green V-neck and some black jeans with white vans. Then I had on a gray jacket. I decided to look out of my balcony first. If you must ask, yes, I have a balcony. It faces the city, lots of tall buildings that I wish to build someday.

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