~Chapter 6: Shut up and Dance~

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Dedicated to @carinthegarage :3


"Oooookay... ooh I know what we should do!"

"What?" he yelled excitedly.

"Girls vs. Boys...."



"Hah! Seriously? You're going down, Silverstein!" he was cut off by Chiron, who appeared out of the blue with a half-pale, half-excited Percy.

"Actually, Nico, it's Jackson."

"Huh?" we said in unison.

"Uhmm, yeah. You're my full sister." Percy said.

"Oh okay. Oh wait, one question: How, exactly? I mean I had a mom." I asked my now FULL brother.

"Explain everything later, 10 minutes after the ball, Cabin 3. Tell Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Hazel, Stoll Brothers, Katie, and Will to come, too."

I nodded and turned to Nico as Percy and Chiron walked away, "Huh, as long as Cheska and I are on one team, well, let's just say were invincinble." I smirked then headed to the stage. I snapped my fingers and a mic on a mic stand appeared in front of me. Yes, I can do that, make things appear in front of me, just by a snap of fingers, oh and clothes too, but that's a different topic.

"Uhmm, excuse me everyone!" everyone faced to my direction, "Okay errr, to spice up the evening, were going to have a dance off! My group and Nico's will compete!" cheers erupted the amphitheater.

3rd Person POV

"People who we have called shall be on the group who called them, which will be easy since girls belong to Bea's and boys are to mine." Nico said.

"Okay so first, mine, Annabeth Chase!" Bea said.

"Percy Jackson!" Nico said. "You sure about that?" Bea asked sarcastically.

"Piper McLean and Hazel Levesque!"

"Jason Grace and Frank Zhang!"

"Cheska Reyson!"

"Leo Valdez!"

"Katie Gardner!"

"Brix Lavino!"

"Okay that's it! Please come up here. Judges will be Paolo Martinez, Chris Rodriguez with Clarisse La Rue, and the Stoll Brothers. Decide fair and square, do not judge by gender," Bea gave the boys, which meant excluding Clarisse, a death glare which made the four gulp.

"GIRLS! OVER HERE!" Bea directed them over one corner of the stage and started pep-talking.

"BOYS!" Nico lead them to the opposite corner.

After 15 minutes of discussing, Nico and Bea and their groups went to the center.

"How do we decide who goes first?" Nico whispered to Bea.

"Flip a coin?" Bea suggested. Nico nodded.

With a snap of fingers, a coin appeared in front of Bea. Everbody gasped in amazement in Bea's powers. She ignored them and flipped the coin.

"Heads," she called out. The coin landed on her hand and it was Tails.

"Hah! Just what I wanted, you go first, Ghost Brain," Bea said.

Nico smirked. Snapping her fingers for the third time, a chart appeared. It had the names of who's fighting who. There was also a scoreboard beside it. Surprisingly, first to go was doubles: Jason and Percy and Annabeth and Piper.

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