Unexpected Visitor

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Chapter 9

Callie had been ignoring everyone’s phone calls, it was now two days before she was meant to be going warped and she didn’t know if that was happening anymore. She lay face down in her bed. She hadn’t really left her bed, even though she didn’t sleep, she just lay there. She always thought girls like this is the books she read were pathetic, girls who let one guy break her so much were weak and annoying but now she knew how they felt and it sucked. She now had a bit more respect for Bella Swan, for when Edward left her.

“Calista you have a visitor” her mother knocked on her door.

“Send them away” Callie grumbled.

“He is right beside me” her mother told her.

“Urgh” Callie groaned.

She opened her door to see Alex.

“Wow, you room is massive” was all he said.

“I will give you some privacy” her mother walked down the stairs.

“Nice shorts” Alex winked, she was in her booty shorts once again.

“It is unbelievable how alike you and Jack are” Callie grumbled.

“Don’t fall in love with me too” Alex joked and laughed at his own joke but stopped when he saw Callie’s face. “Too soon?” he asked and she nodded.

“Sorry” he said. “I heard what happened.”

“That is amazing, I don’t need you to tell me how pathetic I am” Callie said bitterly.

“I wasn’t going to do that” Alex said genuinely. “I wanted to see how you were doing. We are more alike than you think” Alex said softly.

“How does that work?” Callie asked curiously.

“I fall in love to fast, too far, too easy” Alex confessed. “I let the wrong people in and end up heartbroken every time. How do you think I can write so many songs” he tried to lighten the mood.

“Pop-punk version of Taylor Swift” Callie giggled and Alex joined in.

“I suppose you could say that.”

“Alex my heart hurts” Callie told him her eyes watering.

Alex hugged her and whispered soothing words.

“Why are you being nice to me, I would’ve thought you of all people would be over the moon that this has happened!”

“I thought I had proven that I’m not a dick the night in the club” Alex pouted.

“I suppose.”

“Are you still coming on warped?” Alex asked.

“I don’t think so, I don’t know if I can handle it. It might be best if I just retreat back and act like the past few months never happened.”

“Don’t do that” Alex pleaded. “Come on warped, you will have fun, you will have a chance to get over Jack. And you two can become friends again.”

“I don’t think that will happen. I will just constantly be hoping that he would fall in love with me. Why can’t he love me Alex?”

“Because he is a twat” Alex replied with a half-smile. “Jack has never been lucky in love, he has only ever been in love once and he swore that he would never again.”

“He couldn’t have told me that, he couldn’t have said anything! He stood there staring at me like a deer caught in headlights!”

“I know.”

“I hate him so much!”

“I know.”

“He is a complete utter wanker!”

“I know.”

“Can you stop saying I know” Callie asked frustrated.

“Sorry” Alex said sheepishly.

“You know what I am going to come on warped!”

“Yay” Alex commented in the background.

 “And I am going to show him exactly what he is missing!”

“Wait, is that a good idea?” Alex asked now a bit nervous.

“No but I don’t care. Now are you going to help me pack or not?”

“Do I have to” Alex whined.



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