rock my world❤

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Dear (insert your name here):

You're incredible, beautiful, authentic, worth everything and you rock my world.


Your Crush (But Can I Become Your Boyfriend?)


An imagine hehe❤❤❤

Anyway, I want to say HOLY GUACOMOLE, this book has just reached 45k reads and I'm so so so STINKING APPRECIATIVE for all of you reading and supporting this little book of mine! I had no idea itd ever even reach one you can imagine how proud and happy I am for it to have made it so far.
Obviously its all thanks to you so THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Its the 200th part of this book so sadly we're at an end of Girl Journal but I hope you all have laughed and related well with it. I love you all to pieces!! Don't forget how incredible every single one of you are! <3 <3



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