types of friends <3

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You may have various types of friends. They probably are quite different, but they may include:

1. The girl who makes you laugh every times she texts you or hangs out with you and is the funniest

2. The girl who is super sweet and never fails to pick you up when you're feeling down and is there no matter what

3. The girl who is creative, funny and a great friend all in one

4. The girl who you can talk to you about your crushes and things secret and important to you, and she'll listen always

5. And the girl who you can chat with about nothing or anything and laugh and have a great time together, and tell almost anything (probably your best friend)

6. And then its your guy friend/s! :D

What kind of friends do you have? I know I have friends who fit all of those descriptions :) They are all amazing in their own way :) Don't forget to comment, and vote ;)

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