Questions :)

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Okay, I'd love to have a fun journal entry for all my readers this time instead of the usual update!

Can you please answer the following questions? :) You can answer all or some, please answer in the comments! :D

1. What is your favorite band/s or music artist/s?

2. What's your favorite subject in school?

3. What would you like to see more of in the Girl Journal?

4. Would you like any mini-guides in the Girl Journal?

5. What are your favorite books? Movies?

6. How can I improve the Girl Journal? :)

7. Would you like to any advice/fashion/beauty and other kind of tips in this journal?

8. What is your all-time favorite song?

9. Who is an inspiration for you in your life?

10. Which part of this Girl Journal (if any) describes you or a situation perfectly in your life? :)

11. Do you like reading or writing best?

12. What is one of your favorite books here on Wattpad?

The first person who answers all the questions first gets the next part of this journal dedicated to them!! :)

Thank you!! I cant wait to see your answers!! :) You can also ask me questions, after answering these if you want!! :D

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