love yourself

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This is just a poem I wrote for all of you lovelies! I am not very good at writing poetry, but I thought the message would be encouraging for all the girls out there that doubt themselves <3


For all you beautiful girls out there,
Who doubt yourself,
I know its hard to bear,
But try to love yourself.

God made you beautiful 'cause He loves you,
So dear girl just believe and stay true,
Because He really loves you,
Remember you're unique and amazing too.

Never forget if you need a friend,
Or a heart to lend,
I'm here for you always if you need me,
I'll always reply if you PM me, just you see.

Cause I love you dear special girl,
No matter what happened,
Take a leap and try a whirl,
And love yourself.


Please remember that before you try to love other people, you should first embrace who you are as a person and love yoself, then branch out and love others. <3 :)



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