makeup & beauty tips

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Here's a few tips I put together for wearing makeup and just general beauty tips. I know a lot of you lovelies have requested more advice and/or beauty tips. So I hope you enjoy! x


1. There isn't a big need to wear a ton of make-up, unless you would like to. Some can really boost self-confidence and be fun to wear as art and self-enhancement, but there's no reason to go overboard. Most likely, you are a teenage girl reading this, and teenage girls don't need a ton of makeup! You're always beautiful whether you choose to wear makeup or not :)

I usually wear mascara, eye shadow and lipstick (and I'm 15) for daily make up. I do use a little concealer from time to time, but not all that often. I like to go for some fun, bold eye makeup looks, but otherwise I'm a natural makeup look-loving girl.

2. As Jamie Grace says, clothes, make-up & jewelry only embellish the beauty you already have. Those items don't make you beautiful; you already are. They just simply embellish that beauty you inherently possess.

3. Some things I have found out while wearing make-up:

~As a teenage girl, day-to-day, if you can, wear waterproof makeup. If you end up sweating, crying or anything dealing with water or liquid unexpedently, you don't want mascara streaks or something embarrassing like that lol. So make sure you buy waterproof makeup if you can ;)
~If you have fair skin/a light complexion, light lipstick colors looks best (such as peach or light pink). If you have a medium or darker skin tone somewhat darker, deeper colors show and go together more, like hot pink or deep red lipstick.

4. Here are a couple products I recommend wearing if you prefer a really natural makeup look that doesn't play with your features too much:

Mascara. It lifts up your eyelashes and makes them look thicker and richer; essential for myself any day, but that's just me.

Lipstick or lip gloss. Moisturize your lips and give them a pretty color!

Concealer. Concealer can be a favorite, especially in the teen years, when you always get a lot of spots and blemishes. Get a color of concealer that seamlessly blends in with your natural skin tone, but remember there's never any need to overdo it. We all have skin imperfections and its perfectly okay if you decide not to use concealer, like I actually choose to do.

A good face moisturizer and cleanser. To take care of acne and have a clear, clean complexion make sure you have this and are able to wash your face every day.

Nail polish. Obviously, this doesn't go on your face, but I had to mention it all the same, because I love it and makes my nails look so much better XD

You can use all or some of the above (if any) if you feel the personal need to. There's no reason you have to wear all, but wearing some of them may be very nice to embellish your natural beauty if you'd like to. :)

5. For great natural beauty, just keep up with a good skin-care routine. (I wrote about this earlier in my Girl Journal in the entry about skin care and acne). If you wear foundation/powder/or any make up on your cheeks and face, wash it off every night! Not doing so is NEVER good for your skin so always, always take off makeup at night.

6. If your parents do not want you wearing make up, try to respect their wishes and don't. And if happen to ever feel pressure that everyone you know or every girl at your school wears make up except yourself, but you don't want to yourself, don't! Be yourself, if you don't want to wear make up, you surely don't need to, wearing make up is a personal choice for enhancement and fun, not a requirement.

Having your own personal style is essential to feeling good about yourself too. No matter what your friends wear, wear what you want in the way of fashion, plus style your hair and such things the way you want. Your own sense of style is important and should not change because of what others say. Whatever you like to do with your hair and what you like to wear, is beautiful and makes you special and pretty. Never feel bad about it!

7. Don't compare yourself to celebrities and people on magazine covers and in movies. The truth is, those people have on ridicoulously thick coats of make-up, concealers, and treatments and may be worked on for hours to look absolutely perfect before they are shown publicly, then a lot of times, they're photo-shopped too in pictures! There is no way anyone is as unrealistically perfect as models and celebrities are presented in the media, so please, please DO NOT compare yourself to them. Our society and culture is ridicoulous, in my opinion, in that respect, that they make those in the media look so perfect, because its all too often fake and the flawlessness overdone. Besides, you need to be your own kind of beautiful and not like anyone else, anyway. ;)


Hope these makeup and beauty tips are helpful for you, lovelies!



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