No Updates-Fortitude-Life

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Hey guys! I'm in a ranting mood right now. Although, I should be writing the next chapter in my other book, The Bad Boys Rules, I'm not. Because I have some rants that I need to share with you.

First of all, I don't know why and I don't mean to be hypocritical but lately no one had been updating stories here on Wattpad. I mean, for heavens sake it's summer! That's the time to be writing because you don't have school to distract you.

I was reading this really good book today and right as I was about to go to the next chapter the worst thing happened. The screen read "To Be Continued".

What? No! It left us all on a cliffhanger. And then I go to the book summary and find out that it hasn't been updated in three months. I was so sad that I almost broke down into tears!

Another two of my favorite books aren't updating either.

You see, I just don't understand. Sure, the last time I updated my book was a week and a half ago but I'm still writing the next chapter. Sure, I have a book in my in the works thats only halfway done and I haven't updated it in six months.

I know how it feels to be in their shoes. But this has like ten million reads and I'm just so frustrated. That should be their inspiration to write! The reason I stopped writing my book was because I felt like it wasn't good enough because it only had barely two hundred reads on sixteen chapters. I lost my inspiration.

This leads me into my next rant. I am at a point now that I will only read completed books. I am tired of this non-updating nonsense. I'm trying not to get too angry over it but I'm a teenage girl who loves her books so heck yeah I'm gonna get upset over it!

Completed books, I think, are the best route to go right now. Maybe you've lost your groove in things because school is out or maybe you're juggling a job and getting ready for college. Whatever it may be, if you cannot find time for writing than you're not a truly committed author. You may have all the talent but you don't have the fortitude to pursue it.

I don't know. Have any of you said to your siblings "Can't live with 'em. Can't live without 'em"? Well that's I feel about Wattpad. I can't live with it but I can't live without it.

This is just a personal rant about me and my life so if you don't want to read it than skip over it.

So, I'm kind of nervous because high school starts in a little more than a week. A week and three days to be precise. The twelfth on August. I'm a little nervous, a little excited, and a little bit terrified.

And do you want to know what's terrifying? Not the teachers, not the school, or the fact that I'm back to the bottom of the food chain. Oh no, it's nothing like that. What I'm afraid most about is the student body.

If you're one of my friends and are reading this right now you'll probably be rolling your eyes when I say that sometimes I feel like at times I'm socially awkward and don't talk too much to new people. I have like ten friends so if you're not one of those people I usually don't talk to people. I'm not popular and I'm certainly not the top person in my class.

Most people find me as the sweet, kind, quiet girl but really I am the exact opposite. If you're a true friend *cough cough* Christine *cough cough*, you know who I am and how crazy, obnoxious and loud I can be.

So, now that you know my personality, you see why I'm a bit terrified for high school? Yep, I'm screwed. Or at least in socializing and meeting new people, anyways.

But on the bright side of things, my cousin is having a baby boy that's due any day now so I'm really excited for that.

Thanks for reading this rant. I hope you enjoyed it! Have an awesome day/night!

~Kim (^.^)

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