How To Write An Ending To A Novel

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Hello lovelies! Guess what? It's summer vacation! Whoop whoop. I got out of school on May 28th what day do/did you get out of school?

Anyways, so today I wanted to go into more depth on how to end your story and sequels. I think I talked about it a little bit before but I don't think that I really went into depth about it.

First, let's discuss the DONT'S

1. Don't let the last thought the read thinks of your story be WHAT THE HE** JUST HAPPENED HERE?! The end of your story should provide closure to the reader and have it wrap up nicely with a pretty bow. All questions should be answered and all uncertainty should become clear.

2. Don't let the ending be irrelevant. What I mean by this is don't have the ending be with the main character grabbing a bowl of cereal or going to the supermarket to get lasagna for dinner. The ending should be relevant to the plot of your story.

3. Don't be that mean author that leaves the book at a cliffhanger and then a week later decides that they aren't going to write a sequel. Yep, this happened to me once and it was a HUGE disappointment to say the least. TV shows can do this *cough cough* The Lying Games *cough cough* but it doesn't mean that your story can!

And now for the DO'S

1. Do have a powerful ending/ending line. This is important because it is the last thing that your reader gets to read from the authors writing style. The last line of the book is sometimes overlooked as the most important thing that an author can do but it can determine whether or not a reader will continue to read another book by the author or not. If they have a bad ending to the novel then I doubt that the reader will want to read another book by that author.

2. Do create the ending how YOU want it to end. If you want to end the story with Mary picking Bob as her boyfriend and your readers want the novel to end with her choosing Danny then end the story with her choosing Bob. At the end of the day it is YOUR story, nobody else's.

Okay so as for sequels I think that they very important because once you finish your story and decide to write a sequel, you really have to be committed because you don't want to be halfway done with the sequel and then find yourself with nothing to write about. Sequels should also provide closure to the readers just as the end of a single novel should. Sequels are a lot of responsibility too because you need to be responsible enough to really go through with it. But in the end, they can be very rewarding so I definitely think that if you are debating to write a sequel or not to go for it because it can be very fun and rewarding in the end to know that you wrote TWO amazing novels from your main character.

Thank you all so much for reading this How To. It means a lot to me that you are all still reading this journal even with my weird updating schedule. I know that it's difficult sometimes to upload chapters daily so I hope if you ever need someone to talk to that you'll talk to me J . Bye beautifuls! Have a fantastic day/night!

~Kim <3

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